2015-12-15 1 导游英语 第二版 高等教育出版社出版. 2015-12-15 2 Unit Two Tourist Itineraries Travel in Shanxi 旅游线路 — 山西导游.


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1 My Hometown——ShanXi XXX 2016年6月14日 2016年6月14日 2016年6月14日.
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Presentation transcript:

导游英语 第二版 高等教育出版社出版

Unit Two Tourist Itineraries Travel in Shanxi 旅游线路 — 山西导游

教学内容 Part A Know-how for Tour Guides 导游实务 1. Drafting an Itinerary 拟定线路 2. Differences in the Itinerary 线路 差异 3. Changing the Itinerary 变换线路 Part B Listening Comprehension 导游听力训练 Mount Wutai 五台山

教学内容 Part C Tourist Itineraries 旅游线路 A Four-day Cultural Tour of Shanxi 山西文化之旅四日游 Part D Situational Dialogue 情景对 话 Pingyao Ancient City 平遥古城

教学内容 Part E Introduction to Tourist Sites 景点讲解 The Qiao’s Compound 乔家大院 Part F Tourism Culture 旅游文化 Chinese Dragon Culture 中国龙文化 Part G Translation 景点翻译 Tourist Sites in Shanxi 山西旅游景点

教学内容 Part A: Know-how for Tour Guides highlight v. 突出;强调 itinerary n. 线路 deluxe adj. 豪华的,华贵的 descriptive adj. 描述的;叙述的 sightseeing n. 观光 mutual adj. 相互的, 共有的 New words

confirm v. 确定;批准 consult v. 商量;商议 adhere v. 坚持 adjustment n. 调整,调节 evaluate v. 评价,评估 feasible adj. 切实可行的 acquire v. 获得;学到

Proper Nouns Taiyuan International Travel Service 太原国际旅行社 Yungang Grottoes 云冈石窟 standard group 标准团 deluxe group 豪华团 travel route 旅行线路 tourist destination 旅游目的地 check in 入住酒店 local travel service 地接社

Drafting an Itinerary 导游实务 Mr. Lin Feng, a guide from Taiyuan International Travel Service, is busy with writing an itinerary. Before he sends it by fax to the manager of China Beijing International Travel Service he discusses it with his deputy manager, who advises him to take into account the following points:

1. Listen heard, and fill in the words or phrases you have heard. (1) An itinerary consists of the tour title, tour code, day-to-day events, cities, duration and __________________________ _____________. (2) The tour title is an important part of an itinerary, which usually highlights ________________________, e.g. “Three-Day Tour to the Yungang Grottoes”. a descriptive account of the tourist activities the length and location of the tour

(3) Information about the service standard, the group standard (standard group/ deluxe group), _______________________ and the number of tourists, etc is an important part of an itinerary. (4) Day-to-day activities provide information about the cities, tourist sites, hotels and _________________________. (5) The descriptive account depicts __________________________ using vivid language so as to motivate tourists to the resort. the travel expenses modes of transportation the travel route and destinations

导游实务 Listen again and answer the following questions. 1. What is the specific information about day-to-day activities in an itinerary? For day-to-day activities specific information should include the cities, hotels and modes of transportation.

2. Why is the standard of service important for drafting an itinerary? An itinerary should include information about the standard of travel service, tour grade (standard group/ deluxe group), travel expenses, etc. for fear that tourists might dispute the service standard on the trip.

导游实务 Differences in the Itinerary The Brown’s travel by air to Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi from Beijing. Lin Feng picks them up at the airport and helps them check in Taiyuan Crown Hotel. Afterwards he checks the details of the tourist itinerary with the national guide and finds some differences in the itinerary.

1.obtain the approval from 2. adopt the national guide’s 3. settle the difference 4. explain the new itinerary to 5. may incur the extra cost A. the local arrangements B. tourists C. local agency and sponsor agency D. local guide and national guide E. before the trip starts F. because of the changed itinerary G. if difference exists H. tour leader and tourists Column AColumn B 1. Listen carefully, and match the information in column A with that in column B(There are two extra items in column B).

Suggestions: 导游实务 (1) Lin Feng should consult with his manager if he finds that the tourist itinerary or travel schedule is different from that presented by the tour leader or national guide. Both parties should have discussions and make a possible resolution to their mutual satisfaction.

(2) He should confirm the local travel arrangements with the tour leader or the national guide before tourists start their sightseeing.

导游实务 Listen again and answer the following questions. 1. How do you handle the case when you find the differences in the itinerary? I should consult with my manager if the itinerary or travel schedule I have is different from that presented by the tour leader or national guide. Both parties should have discussions and make a possible resolution to their mutual satisfaction.

2. Do you think you need to discuss and settle the differences with the national guide? Yes, I should discuss with the national guide to settle the differences before tourists start their sightseeing.

导游实务 Additional Tips for Tour Guides Changes in the Itinerary A guide should respond to tourists if they want to change the travel schedule or itinerary. Usually a guide should adhere to travel schedule or the itinerary as specified in the contract. He should not change the travel schedule or itinerary at his will.

A guide may make some reasonable adjustments, based on the travel schedule or the daily route subject to the approval of both the local travel service and the sponsor travel service. He should also inform tourists of the change and try to get their support. A guide should evaluate their suggestions if tourists want to change the itinerary. Provided that their proposal is feasible, he may make the appropriate adjustments after he acquires the approval from the local travel service and the tour leader or the national guide.

导游实务 Exercise: Decide whether the statements are true or false If it is true, put “T” in the space provided and “F” if it is false. 1. ________ A local guide should consult with the tour leader to confirm the itinerary if there are some difference in the travel schedule.

________ A local guide has the right to make some reasonable adjustment of the itinerary according to the travel schedule or the daily route.

________ A local guide can take tourists to go sightseeing according to the travel schedule without consulting with the national guide about the local travel arrangements.

________ A local guide should change the itinerary if tourists want to because he should put the customers first.

embrace v. 拥抱;互相拥抱 pilgrim n. 朝圣者;香客 incalculable adj. 不可计算的 intersperse vt. 散布;点缀 numerous adj. 众多的, 无数的 religious adj. 宗教的;虔诚的 Part B : Listening Comprehension New words 导游听力 Mount Wutai

sculpture n. 雕刻;雕塑品 mural n. 壁画:壁饰 calligraphy n. 书法 pagoda n. 宝塔 altitude n.( 尤指海拔 ) 高度 summit n. 顶点;最高阶层 crisscross adj. 纵横交错的 crystalline adj. 水晶的

Proper Nouns Mount Wutai 五台山 Manjusri Bodhisattva 文殊菩萨 Tang Dynasty 唐代 (618—907) “Roof of Northern China” “ 华北屋脊 ”

The tourist map of Mount Wutai

Buddhist Mountain, where Manjusri Bodhisattva performs the Buddhist rites. The giant white tower of Taiyuan Temple is the symbol of Mount Wutai.

The Wen shu Temple of Mount Wu tai, where Manjusri Bodhisattva is pilgrimage.

The statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva In Shuxiang Temple

The Luo Hou Temple of Mount Wutai

Dai luoding of Mount Wutai

导游听力 The Brown’s are traveling to Mount Wutai by coach. On the way Mr. Lin Feng introduces the highlights of the holy Buddhist mountain. 1. Listen carefully, and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you’ve just heard

Mount Wutai is one of the (1)_________holy Buddhist Mountains, where Manjusri Bodhisattva performs the Buddhist rites. It covers an area of (2)______________ square kilometers, and its five main peaks, positioned east, south, west, north, and in the middle, embrace one another with broad and plain (3)_______________rather than forests on their tops. That is why it bears the name “Wutaishan” (Mountain of Five Terraces). 360 temples were built here dating back to the Tang Dynasty but now only (4)___________of them exist. Over the years, incalculable numbers of pilgrims and visitors have come here. four 2837 terraces 47 Mount Wutai

Since many temples are interspersed in the mountain, numerous art (5)___________were cared for and have been preserved as sculptures, murals, calligraphy, as well as architecture. Pagodas built in the style of those in ancient (6)__________added new types to traditional ones. With the average altitude over 1,000 meters, the summit of the (7)___________ peak which is famed as being the “Roof of Northern China”, reaches 3,058 meters. Besides the religious aspect, the beauty of rising and falling ridges of mountains, (8)_____________rocks, crisscrossed gullies, crystalline waters and towering green forests also gives Mount Wutai its reputation as a colorful and notable tourist resort. works India northern exotic

2. Listen again, and answer the following questions. 导游听力 1. Why is Mt. Wutai regarded as one of the four holy Buddhist Mountains in China? Mt. Wutai is regarded as one of the four holy Buddhist Mountains, because it is the Buddhist rite for Manjusri Bodhisattva.

2. How did Mt. Wutai get its name? Its five main peaks are positioned east, south, west, north, and in the middle, and embrace one another with broad and plain terraces rather than forests on their tops.

导游听力 3. How many temples were there on Mt. Wutai in history? What is the style? 360 temples were built here dating back to the Tang Dynasty but now only 47 of them exist. Pagodas built in the style of those in ancient India added new types to traditional ones.

4. Which peak is reputed as the “Roof of Northern China”? What is the height? The northern peak is famed as the “Roof of Northern China”, and reaches 3,058 meters.

5. What are the forms of art works and landscape of Mt. Wutai? Art works were cared for and have been preserved as sculptures, murals, calligraphy, as well as architecture, and the beauty of rising and falling ridges of mountains, exotic rocks, crisscrossed gullies, crystalline waters and towering green forests also gives Mt. Wutai its reputation as a colorful and notable tourist resort.

旅游线路 Part C: Tourist Itinerary New words quotation n. 报价 departure n. 出发, 离开 exquisite adj. 优美的;精致的 merchant adj. 商业的;商人的 potential adj. 潜在的, 可能的 duration n. 逗留时间;持续时间 A Four-day Cultural Tour of Shanxi 山西文化之旅四日游

Proper Nouns Pingyao Ancient City 平遥古城 package tour 包价旅游 Merchant Culture of Shanxi 晋商文化 Xiantong Temple 显通寺 Xuankong Temple (the Suspended Temple) 悬空寺 Zhengguo Temple 镇国寺 Double Forest Temple 双林寺 Qiao’s Compound 乔家大院 Jinan 济南 Shandong Province 山东省 BLD (breakfast+lunch+dinner) 早餐、午餐 和晚餐 BL (breakfast+lunch) 早餐和午餐 LD (lunch+dinner) 午餐和晚餐

旅游线路 Tips for the Tourist Itinerary Readers of the itineraries are tourists or potential tourists. A good itinerary encourages potential tourists to make quick choices. An itinerary consists of items such as tour title, tour code, day-to-day activities, cities, duration, price and a descriptive account of the tour.

The simplicity and visual impact of an itinerary are important. When you design an itinerary, you need to provide the necessary details using the concise words.

情景对话 survive v. 幸存:生还 battlement n. 碉堡上的城垛 profound adj. 深刻的,意义深远的 significance n. 意义;重要性 philosophy n. 哲学,哲学体系 offspring n. 后裔,后代 tortoise n. 龟;迟缓的人 longevity n. 长寿 Part D: Situational Dialogues Pingyao Ancient City New words

Proper Nouns Western Zhou Dynasty 西周( 1046B.C—771B.C ) Confucius 孔子

One of the most outstanding ancient cities

The ancient Pingyao city’s tourist sites distribution

Construction ——between 11th century BC and 771 BC Defence —— in the Ming Dynasty A strong city wall Length —— 6 kilometers Height —— 12 meters Width —— 3 — 6 meters

平遥城墙周长 米,墙身素土夯实,外包砖石,墙 高 10 米(垛口墙除外),墙顶宽 3 至 6 米,底宽 9 至 12 米。 城墙形制按照 “ 因地制宜,用险制塞 ” 规划。

On the top of the wall, there are 72 watchtowers and 3,000 external battlements.

watchtowers —72 people of great wisdom 3,000 battlements — 3,000 students of Confucius

City wall

City wall

City wall

Getting into the ancient city Ming and Qing street

Ming and Qing Street

Ming and Qing Street

Temp of the City God

The Temple of City God is made up of three temples Temple of the City God Zaojun Temple Caishen Temple



出古城北门向东北有镇国寺, 它是古城的第二宝。该寺的 万佛殿建于五代 ( 公元十世 纪 ) 时期,目前是中国排名 第三位的古老木结构建筑, 距今已有一千多年的历史。 殿内的五代彩塑是不可多得 的雕塑艺术珍品。 镇国寺

古城的第三宝是位于城西南方向、重建于北齐武平二年 ( 公元 571 年 ) 的双林寺。在该寺的 10 余座大殿内有元代至明代的彩 色泥塑 2000 多尊,被人们誉为 “ 彩塑艺术的宝库 ” 。事实上古 城之宝不胜枚举

情景对话 Useful Expressions for a dialogue 1 )这是有名的明清一条街。你就跟我来吧, 错不了的 。 This is the famous Ming and Qing Street. Come with me. I won’t be wrong. 2) 来这儿的乐趣就是淘宝,挺便宜地买一件 东西。 One of the fun things about coming here is treasure hunting. You get something cheaply.

)上次你不是帮我买了个 “ 天价 ” 笔筒吗? Didn’t you buy a super expensive pen holder for me last time? 4) 白高兴了一场,原来还是个假古董。 We got so excited for nothing. It turned out to be a fake antique.

情景对话 The tourists are standing in front of the city wall of Pingyao Ancient City. The Brown’s are amazed at the 72 watchtowers on the city wall. Before they enter the city they take photos. Mr. Lin Feng begins to introduce the tourist site. Pingyao Ancient City

1. Listen to the dialogue, and decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T” in the space provided and “F” if it is false. 1. ______ The Pingyao Ancient City was built as early as in the Western Zhou Dynasty expanded in the Ming Dynasty for comericial purpose.

2. ______ The city wall of Pingyao Ancient City is 46 kilometers. It is about 10 meters high and 3 to 6 meters wide on top. 3. ______ It is said that the 72 watchtowers represent 72 people of great wisdom; the 3,000 battlements represent the 3,000 students of Confucius. 情景对话

4. ______ The layout of the ancient city looks like a giant dragon because Chinese are the offspring of the dragon.. 5. ______ People in Pingyao wish the ancient city would be safe and secure for thousands of years just like the kylin.

情景对话 2. Divide the class into groups, and do the dialogue. Pay attention to your body language.

景点讲解 decline v. 衰落;拒绝 seize v. 抓住, 夺 tranquil adj. 安静的 resist v. 抵抗;忍得住 temptation n. 诱惑;诱惑物 Part E: Introduction to Tourist Sites New words The Qiao’s Compound

merit n. 优点, 价值 parapet n. 胸墙 baluster n. 栏杆 kylin n. 麒麟 mascot n. 吉祥物 portray v. 描绘;描述

Proper Nouns Qiao Zhiyong 乔致庸 Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后 Eight Powers Allied Army 八国联军 “Nv’er” (daughter) wall 女儿墙

The Qiao’s Compound Locates some 20 kilometers north of Pingyao Ancient City ♥ 6 main counryard ♥ 20 minor counryard ♥ 313 rooms

The country yards

The carriage The stone mill People’s living site


The screen wall

The fantastic emboss and battlements

The mascot ---kylin The tortoise stands for longevity

The famous businessman of Shanxi---Qiao zhiyong The Merchant Culture of Shanxi exerted a great influence on Chinese modern history

景点讲解 The Qiao’s Compound Make a simulated introduction of the Qiao’s Compound. Keep in your mind the following places of interest, events and their features when you make your introduction. 1. The background of the Qiao’s Compound is essential part of the introduction. The legendary story of the family has been told for hundreds of years.

The layout of the compound itself shows the glory of the Qiao’s family. Your introduction of its layout will help tourists appreciate the architectural feature of the Qiao’s Compound. 3. The compound wall is unique and has profound cultural significance. Why did the owner of the compound build such a high and solid compound? That’s an interesting question for your answer.

The second yard and the third yard are only some courts in the Qiao’s Compound, but the art of the wood sculpture on the buildings here is best demonstrated.

中国文化 Chinese Dragon Culture In Chinese culture, dragon symbolizes Chinese people. Chinese people consider themselves, with a certain amount of pride,”descendants from the dragon “( 龙的传人). Part F: Tourism Culture 旅游文化

The dragon totems( 图腾) Eagle claw ↑ Antler 鹿角 ↑ Serpent neck ↑

The dragon pillar and emboss

People usually put dragon on the chinawares for beautification and auspices.

Kang xi emperor

The dragon gowns The dragon stands for royal power (皇权), supermacy (至高无上) and richness (富贵).

The dragon dance Dragon plays an important role, and people play dragon dance during Spring Festival, Lantern Festival and Dragon Boat Festival History: start in the Song Dynasty(960AD—1279AD) Reason: ask for rain during drought years

中国文化 Choose the best answer to complete the following statements. 1. Dragon is regarded by Chinese as a (an) A. auspicious figure. B. evil figure. C. totem. D. symbol of Chinese nation. D

According to ancient texts the dragon has features of some animals except for A. head of a camel. B. ears of a buffalo. C. paws of a cat. D. antlers of a deer. C

Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A. Dragon is invented. B. Dragon is a dinosaur. C. Dragons are all the same. D. Dragon is a serpent. A

Why do the Chinese have the dragon dance on the festive occasions? A. They want to please dinosaur. B. They want to please dragon. C. They want to have entertainments. D. They want to have a harvest. C

景点翻译 Translation 1. The Qiao’s compound ( 乔家大院 )occupies an area of some 8,724 square meters and consists of 6 main courtyards ( 大院 ) which house 20 minor ones. 乔家大院占地 8,724 平方米,分六个 大院,内套 20 个小院。 Part G : Translation for Tourist Sites

The sculptures of Yungang Grottos absorbed (吸取) the Indian Buddhist art and developed traditional Chinese sculpture art ( 雕 刻艺术 ). 云冈石窟雕刻吸取了印度佛教艺术, 发展了中国传统雕刻艺术。

景点翻译 Of all the Temples of City God ( 城 隍庙 ) in China the one in Pingyao is unique ( 别具一格 ) because it is made up of three different temples. 在中国的城隍庙中,平遥城隍庙别 具一格,由三个不同的庙宇组成。

五台山是中国四大佛教名山 (famous Buddhist Mountain) ,文殊 菩萨 (Manjusri Bodhisattva) 的道场。 Mt. Wutai is one of the four famous Buddhist Mountains in China, where Manjusri Bodhisattva performed the Buddhist rites.

景点翻译 云冈石窟 (Yungang Grottos) 是中 国三大石窟群 (cave clusters) ,位于 大同市 (Datong City) 以西约 15 公里。 Yungang Grottos, one of the four three major cave clusters in China, is located about 15 kilometers west of Datong City.

平遥城墙上有观敌楼 (watchtower)72 处,垛口 (battlement)3,000 个,据说代表孔夫 子贤人 72 ,弟子 3,000 。 According to the legend the 72 watchtowers of the city wall of Pingyao represent 72 people of great wisdom; the 3,000 battlements represent the 3,000 disciples of Confucius.

The end Thank You!