Karl Roberts Strategy & Delivery: Support Manager
How TELEDerm® works GPs use TELEDerm prior to making a diagnosis of a skin lesion. The GP (or a practice nurse) uses an iPhone 5S with the free TELEDerm® App to record a proforma clinical history. The user then attaches a HandyScope to the iPhone 5S to record high a quality dermoscopic image. All data is encrypted and sent directly from the iPhone to our secure server - no cabling or computer is required. The process could not be more simple and takes just 4 minutes. The data is then assessed by one of our team of skin specialists, all of whom are NHS GPs who are skin experts and experienced in dermoscopy, and a Dermoscopy Report is available in.pdf format via within 1 business day. iPhone 5S TELEDerm® AppHandyScope About The MOLE Clinic The MOLE ClinicThe MOLE Clinic was established in 2003 and is the UK's leading independent skin cancer screening clinic. We have achieved Approved NHS Business Partner status and we are the ONLY provider of a dermoscopy service with a CQC published audit confirming 100% of Care Standards are being met AND an NHS CfH published audit confirming 100% IG compliance. Our NHS ODS Code is NLP01. We have 7 years experience working with the NHS and provide dermoscopy reports to more NHS GPs than any other independent provider. Patient care is our focus and 100% of our NHS patients surveyed rate our service 'good' or 'excellent' (Dr Foster). We won the Patient Safety Award in 2010.Dr Foster
TELEDerm® for Doncaster Doncaster began a pilot use of TELEDerm in August 2013, this constituted of 9 practices trialling the use of TELEDerm over a period of 18 months. Over this period those practices involved sent almost 300 images across to the Mole Clinic for them to review. Of these images the Mole Clinic reported that only 74% needed NO FURTHER INVESTIGATION and only 26% were recommended needing further referral into secondary care. Our own data has shown that for the locality group using TELEDerm the growth rate for secondary care Dermatology referrals has reduced to that compared to the rest of Doncaster (4%) and even more for some of the individual practices. In addition the patient feedback associated with TELEDerm has been excellent with stories making the local press, radio and social media. In particular it was highlighted how un invasive the technology is, the speed of results, and for most the part that TELEDerm operated out of patients own GP practices and reduced the need for further secondary care appointments As a result of the positive pilot Doncaster CCG decided to rollout TELEDerm to ALL Doncaster practice sites who wish to use it. As a result of this we are now in process of installing TELEDerm across 44 GP Sites in Doncaster which is more than 75% of all Doncaster practices.
Karl Roberts Strategy & Delivery: Support Manager Thank you for your time, if you would like any further information or have any more questions please contact me: