Mission Science By Team 07 1
Team 07 Members Jiashuo Li Chen Li Sergey Mukhin Hanadi Mardah Yun Shao Farica Mascarenhas 2
Introduction Hanadi Mardah 3
Operational Concept Overview Drag and Drop interface to program instructions to control iRobot’s behavior and movement Improve understanding on logic and control systems Generate interest towards STEM program Easy of programming in new system compared to coding instructions in C language in the old system Most of the win conditions met except WC_3297: The system shall detect and show logic errors (conflicting/inconsistent instructions) in an easy-to-read way 4
TRR Outline Transition Objectives and Strategy Product status demo Support Plan Support Objectives Support Responsibility Support Environment Support Facilities Summary of Transition Plan Hardware, Software and Site Preparation Operational testing, training and evaluation Stakeholder roles and responsibilities Required Resources Software Product Elements 5
Transition Objectives All the must-have capabilities will be transitioned Intermediate support is provided after it has been transitioned. User Manual lists all operational procedures for Mission Science staff and elementary school teachers Beta testing performed before transitioned completely till no major unsatisfactory feedback is provided The new system will be deployed to all computers used by critical stakeholders 6
Transition Strategy Test prior to deploying system to client’s site Transition the system to client’s site Test the system at client’s site to verify no unexpected behavior exists Train critical stakeholders to use and maintain the system Provide documentation to assist with system functionalities and operational procedures 7
Product Status Demo Jiashuo Li and Sergey Mukhin 8
Instruction Demo Sergey Mukhin 9
Workflow Demo Jiashuo Li 10
Support Plan Yun Shao 11
Support Objectives Assist elementary school student on programming iRobot with provided GUI Correct inaccurate instruction given by elementary school student Record, report and try to fix unknown bugs 12
Support Responsibility Undergraduate school student Check generated error report from Validator Record and Report mistakes and bugs Familiar with iRobot Open Interface Technical Supporter Fix minor mistakes and bugs timely Familiar with C, C# and WPF 13
Support Facilities Existed test-purpose projects in current release An emulator has been built to help get the real-time sensor data from iRobot Documents 14
Summary of Transition Plan Farica Mascarenhas 15
Hardware, Software and Site Preparation Hardware iRobot with Microcontroller PC running with Windows Software Operating system: Windows 7/8.1 Compiler: WinAVR Visual Studio 2013 WPF based on.NET framework 4.5 Site Setup with PCs running Windows 16
Operational testing, training and evaluation Testing Unit testing to validate instructions work as expected when used in a program Module Testing to validate functionalities of each module and the interaction between them Acceptance Testing to verify client expectations are met and closely tie with the win conditions Continue to test through April 6, 2015 – April 22, 2015 Bugs are reported to Bugzilla and worked till resolved Final testing will be performed at the client’s site to ensure system behaves as expected 17
Operational testing, training and evaluation Testing TC-001: Navigation TC-002: Sensor TC-003: Song and LED TC-004: Demo Modes TC-005: Conflict Detection TC-006: Invalid Instruction TC-007: Invalid Parameters TC-008: Non Compiled Code Unit Test Cases 18
Operational testing, training and evaluation Training Hands on training will be provided to the client and undergraduate students after system setup Team members will be available to answer any questions during this time User Manual will be provided during the training sessions and as part of the software delivery Users will have a full working knowledge of the iRobot GUI before the end of CS 577b 19
Operational testing, training and evaluation Training GroupDescriptionSkill levels Undergraduate students The students assist the teachers on how to use the GUI The students should have basic knowledge in C language and basic understanding to operate the iRobot Elementary school teachers The teachers assist the students to develop logical program using the GUI The teachers should have basic knowledge in C language and basic understanding to operate the iRobot Elementary school students The students use the GUI to generate instructions to control the iRobot’s behavior The students should have some experience in using a computer Target Groups and Skill levels 20
Operational testing, training and evaluation Training Training Schedule DateTimeLocationContentsPerson being trained Responsible Personnel Training Materials 4/30/15TBDClient’s site Walk through of GUI features Edwin Lee and Ian TeamUser Manual GUI Video 4/30/15TBDClient’s site Walk through of GUI features Darin GrayTeamUser Manual GUI Video 21
Operational testing, training and evaluation Training Measurable goals Navigate through the GUI Understand what the icons represent on the GUI Create a new program by dragging and dropping instructions View source code of program Translate to C code Load to microcontroller Save the current program for future use Open a previously saved program Access system setting and configure as needed 22
Operational testing, training and evaluation Evaluation Note feedback on iRobot GUI and training materials during training sessions Note unknown bugs/issues found Provide a report on issues and risks, if any, and feedback at the end of the evaluation phase 23
Stakeholder roles and responsibilities DateRoleResponsibility 04/10/15DeveloperPrepare video on “How to use the iRobot GUI” 04/27/15Developer, ClientDeploy the system and provide support during the transition 04/30/15Trainer, Client, Undergraduate students Train client (Darin Gray) and undergraduate students (Edwin Lee and Ian) 04/30/15Development team, ClientDeliver the system (source code and documents are included) 24
Resources and Products Chen Li 25
Required Resources Documents iRobot iRobot® Create OPEN INTERFACE Serial Port Settings 26
Required Resources Hardware iRobot Mind Control Stick 27
Software Product Elements Projects Third-party libraries Pravate testing Translator 28
Software Product Elements Class diagram 29
Software Product Elements Documents For users User Manual For future developers Programming Manual High Level Instruction Definition 30
Documents High Level Instruction Definition, available on GitHub. 31
Thank you! 32