Thailand 王姵雯 梁晴雯 范姜承宏
MAMA Instant Noodles
The way people eat Mama is usually like any other instant noodle. Pour hot water, empty the small tasty sachets into the bowl, cover, wait three minutes if you can, and eat. But the other 'not so usual' way we also like is to snack it dry and uncooked! But the health department probably wouldn't approve of this so we are not going to tell you how tasty that slightly salted, crunchy noodle is.
Coconut pudding
Recipe 1 ltr condensed milk 3/4 cup coconut powder 1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup fresh cream 2 tsp vanilla essence 1 cup fresh cream (to garnish) 1/2 cup grated coconut (to garnish) 2 cups cherry (to garnish)
How to make coconut pudding Beat the cream and sugar until thickens. Gradually mix the vanilla essence, coconut powder and milk. Spread good amount of fresh cream on the top. Garnish with cherry and grated coconut. Refrigerate for few hours until pudding sets and serve chilled.
Thai Pepper Chicken
The Origin Thai Pepper Chicken is sour and spicy, but it's also fresh and cool. There is a "THAI" in the name of the dish, but actually it's not from Thailand. Many people mistake it for the origin. But it's from Yunnan, China. It also taste like Sichuan food because the spicy and the sour of it, and actually they are families. Because of the geography factors, they were transmitted by the businessmen and travelers, and become the Thai Pepper Chicken today. Thai Pepper Chicken is sour and spicy, but it's also fresh and cool. There is a "THAI" in the name of the dish, but actually it's not from Thailand. Many people mistake it for the origin. But it's from Yunnan, China. It also taste like Sichuan food because the spicy and the sour of it, and actually they are families. Because of the geography factors, they were transmitted by the businessmen and travelers, and become the Thai Pepper Chicken today.
材料:雞大腿 4 隻 用刀將雞腿延著腿骨劃開,摘除腿骨 雞腿醃料: ( 可依各人喜好斟酌 ) 酒 2 大匙 魚露 1 大匙 ( 或鹽 1/2 小匙 ) 醬油 2 大匙 蜂蜜 1 大匙 + 糖 1 大匙 白醋 1 大匙 + 檸檬汁 1/2 大匙 花椒粉 1 小匙 薑 3-4 片、蒜末、辣椒末少許 香菜末或蔥末少許 ( 備用,不放入醃料中 ) 作法: 1. 將除掉骨的雞腿清洗後吸乾水份放入醃料中,醃約 3-4 小時。 2. 醃好的雞排,拍掉沾附的醃料並稍瀝乾水份,裹上 蕃薯粉。 3. 鍋中放油燒熱, ( 為顧及美味與健康,油量比煎的 多比炸的少 ) 放入雞排中小火慢煎炸,至內部熟透且表皮成漂亮的 淡金黃色,轉大火再煎一下,逼出多餘的油,瀝油, 切成條塊裝盤。 4. 鍋中留下少許餘油,將醃料中的薑蒜辣椒撈起,下 鍋爆香,再倒入其餘醃料加一點點水 ( 約 3-4 匙 ) 煮滾, 加入蔥花,用少許太白粉水勾薄芡,淋在雞排上即可。
Every time I go to Thai food restaurant, I will order the Thai Pepper Chicken absolutely, for 100% because the chicken is crispy outside but juicy and tender inside. It's much better with the sour and spicy sauce. It's the mouth- watering delicacy of Thai food!
Thai Pepper Chicken
The Origin Thai Pepper Chicken is sour and spicy, but it's also fresh and cool. There is a "THAI" in the name of the dish, but actually it's not from Thailand. Many people mistake it for the origin. But it's from Yunnan, China. It also taste like Sichuan food because the spicy and the sour of it, and actually they are families. Because of the geography factors, they were transmitted by the businessmen and travelers, and become the Thai Pepper Chicken today.
4 chicken thights and remove the bones Chicken Marinade: Wine Fish Sauce( 魚露 ) Soy Sauce Honey&Sugar White vinegar&Lemon juice Pepper, Garlic and ginger Wash and clean the chicken and let it absorb the Chicken Marinade And then make it covered by the yam powder And fry the chicken until the surface become golden (Then drop some lemon juice with it will be better!)
Every time I go to Thai food restaurant, I will order the Thai Pepper Chicken absolutely, for 100% because the chicken is crispy outside but juicy and tender inside. It's much better with the sour and spicy sauce. It's the mouth- watering delicacy of Thai food!
Tod Man Gung Ga Bung ทอดมันกุ้งกระเบื้อง “Fried Shrimp Cakes” 、 ” Deep-fried Shrimp Pancake ”
It is a dish which is made from shrimp,eggs,meat and lettuce. A lot of people think the Fried Shrimp Cake is the Thai cuisine,but actually it is Taiwanese food. According to the information of the Internet, the Fried Shrimp Cake is sold in Taiwan at first.After it became famous,there were some people started to sell it in Thailand.
If you like this dish,you can cook it at home. It only takes you fifteen minutes to do it! ● YOU HAVE TO PREPARE water chestnu X8, shrimp X300g, egg X1, meat X100g,cornstarch X5 spoons, parsley(grind it) X2 spoons, spring roll wrapperX2, lettuce X3 white pepper 1 tsp, fish sauce 1 tsp, salt 1/3 tsp
Step1 : Put the water chestnu, the shrimp, the meat and all of the sauce into a bowl.Then,stir it. Step2 : After taking a spring roll wrapper,put the semi-finished products of step1 on it. Step3 : Cover it with other one. Step4 : Put it into a frying pan with 160 ℃ until it become golden. Step5 : Put it on a plate,and then adding some lettuce.