Mass Casualty Cadet Andes
MASSCAS: Definition Your unit just took at least 50% casualties, whether by mortar fire, IED, mines, kamikaze, etc. Your unit just took at least 50% casualties, whether by mortar fire, IED, mines, kamikaze, etc. Basically, shit is FUBAR!!!
What to Understand Recognize that if you just had a MASSCAS, your unit is now combat ineffective. Your unit is no longer capable of completing the mission at hand. Your only option is to fall back and regroup.
What to Do The first step is to fall back from your current position and set up a casualty collection point where you can bring in a MEDEVAC The first step is to fall back from your current position and set up a casualty collection point where you can bring in a MEDEVAC Keep security at all times if possible. Keep security at all times if possible. Prioritize casualties: Move the most critically injured first. Moving these personnel will probably require everyone who is not injured to carry them, so figure out who can still effectively shoot. Prioritize casualties: Move the most critically injured first. Moving these personnel will probably require everyone who is not injured to carry them, so figure out who can still effectively shoot. Have uninjured soldiers carry back the critically injured, those that only suffered minor injuries can provide suppression fire to cover you. Have uninjured soldiers carry back the critically injured, those that only suffered minor injuries can provide suppression fire to cover you. If you have fires, call in immediate supression or smoke to help cover your movement. If you have fires, call in immediate supression or smoke to help cover your movement.
What to Do (cont.) As you fall back, do not use the same route you took before. Why? As you fall back, do not use the same route you took before. Why? Once you are at a safe location, establish a 360 degree security perimeter. Use as few wounded personnel on security as possible. Once you are at a safe location, establish a 360 degree security perimeter. Use as few wounded personnel on security as possible. Keep in mind: If you have to make multiple trips to pull everyone out, as soon as the first group is in the new position, the RTO can start working on a 9 line while you get everyone else there. Keep in mind: If you have to make multiple trips to pull everyone out, as soon as the first group is in the new position, the RTO can start working on a 9 line while you get everyone else there.
Once you are in position Once you have everyone accounted for in the new, safe position, if it is not completed already, get your 9 line up to higher. Once you have everyone accounted for in the new, safe position, if it is not completed already, get your 9 line up to higher. Treat casualties. What is the minimum amount of people on security? Treat casualties. What is the minimum amount of people on security?
Hurry up and Wait!!! Keep security Keep security Continue treating and monitoring injured personnel Continue treating and monitoring injured personnel Maintain contact with higher and MEDEVAC Maintain contact with higher and MEDEVAC