AgentSheets ® Thought Amplifier AgentSheets, Inc. Boulder, CO, USA Dr. Alexander Repenning, CEO
The Vision: what is needed? Information that is of practical relevance to YOU Advance the vision of Every Citizens Interfaces through information processing. Information consumers should be able to define how they process information. They should also be able to establish a multimodal interaction scheme between them and information spaces.
The Syntactic Web The Semantic Web The Pragmatic Web
Use Multimodal End-User Programmable Agents to Bridge the Gap between Existing and Relevant Information on the Web
Product: AgentSheets ® Pro A revolutionary Authoring Tool to create Multimodal End-User Programmable Agents-based Web services to turn existing into relevant information Deliver content on: u High end PDAs u Cell Phone u Browser, desktop
Example: Web Voice Portal
End-User Programming
AgentSheets Pro Components AgentSheets ® : Collection of spatially organized, collaborative agents Visual AgenTalk ® : an End-User Programming Language Ristretto ® : An interactive Web page generator tool u Java (Java applets, JavaBean components) u Flash
What can Agents Do? Read Web pages in real time Play videos Talk Recognize Speech Animate 2D + 3D React to mouse & keyboard input
Platform 1: Cell Phones Agents: Extract, analyze and synthesize information Increase signal to noise ratio Bridge modalities, e.g., text speech
Platform 2: PDAs
Some credentials Advisor to the National Academy of Sciences: Information Technology for Education “Most Creative Educational Application of the World Wide Web” Gold Medal,Major of Paris, WWW5 NSF: > $8 million funding “Best of the Best Innovators” Association for Computing Machinery,ACM Advisor to the European Commission: End-User Computing initiative for the sixth framework
Publishers & Collaborators
Goal: seek partners Wireless Communications: PDAs, Cell phones Hardware companies u Desktop, PDAs, Cell phones, Bluetooth Content Producers u Games u Education (K-12, training)
AgentSheets ® What If? THE END
Spare Slides What is wrong with the current Web?
WRONG Modality: Blind users cannot read textual descriptions. Automatic text-to-speech interfaces may be able to verbally convey the textual contents of a Web page to users, but if the Web page is formatted for visual access the sequential information access may become unintelligible or inefficient.
WRONG Language: Crucial explanatory text may be provided in the wrong language. For instance less than 15% of U.S. Web sites contain Spanish translations
WRONG Nomenclature: Information may be expressed in an unfamiliar measurement system. The translation of Celsius to Fahrenheit or kilometers to miles, while scientifically trivial, may represent a serious impediment for many users
WRONG Time: The information may be correct, relevant and readable, but might be presented at the wrong time. Stock information, for instance, is most useful when presented in real-time.
WRONG Format: Information can look great on a large computer monitor, but be completely unsuitable for small information devices such as PDAs and cell phones.
Out of this World (very distance education) NASA used AgentSheets to simulate an “E.coli in microgravity” experiment aboard the space shuttle Discovery with John Glenn