Cell Injury
Slide 11: Vacuolar Degeneration Kidney Renal tubules –Note tiny small vacuoles –Displaced nucleus to the side Glomerulus
Slide 30 Intestine Caseation Necrosis Casseation Necrosis - Tuberculosis - Irreversible injury Grossly = like cheese – soft, whitish, crumbly - casseous cassation necrosis Surrounded by epitheloid cells, giant cells, necrotic area. On X-ray report: Fibrocasseous density Fibrotic center After treatment: fibrocalcitic area/fibrotic area
Slide 96: Enzymatic Fat Necrosis (Pancreas) Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis necrosis Exocrine function -- CHO, Fats, Lipid enzymes Enzymes leak out of pancreas – lipase digests Peripancreatic tissue gets digested produced fatty acids, and stays in the tissue. Sapponified fat - see shadowy outlines of the fat cells, containing this. Whitish, opaque, crumbly. Severe abdominal pain. Note the following: –Normal pancreatic tissue –Necrosis of peripancreatic fats by enzymes released from pancreas
Slide: (no number) Lung Abscess Abscess - plenty of neutrophils/enzymes Irreversible Heterolysis Liquifies tissue Pus formation Note –Lung abscess – digestion of lung tissue producing a cavity filled with neutrophils and necrotic material –Alveoli with PMNs and edema