1 Ch 14 Notes I. Mutations A. Def - a change in the ___________or ___________ of the genetic material of an organism. B. Causes 1. __________ – factors that increase the rate at which mutations occur a. ex.- radiation & certain___________ C. Effects 1. Depend on _________ & ________ the mutation occurs
2 II. Kinds of Mutations A. Changes in ______ 1. ________ Mutations a. change of a ________ nucleotide in a sequence from one kind of ______ to another. b. Ex. Original sentence - The fat _____ ate the wee rat Point mutation - The fat _____ ate the wee rat 2. ___________ or __________ a. Causes an insertion or deletion of _____ or ________ ______________ in a sequence
3 b. Ex.- Original sentence - The fat cat ate the wee rat Insertion - The fat cat _____ ate the wee rat. Deletion - The fat ______ ate the wee rat B. Changes in Results of Genes 1. ___________ Mutation a. Has_____ effect on a gene’s function b. Most _________ mutations are this 2. Missense Mutation a. Also called a _____________ mutation
4 b. Results when a ____________ amino acid is produced 3. ____________ Mutation 1. Results when a codon is changed to a “________” signal.
5 4. _________-shift mutation a. An ___________ or ___________ can shift the reading frame & the remaining sequence may be “______” as different ________. b. Ex. Original sentence - The fat cat ate the wee rat Frame-shift mutation - The fat _____ tat eth ewe era t.
6 5. ____________ a. A piece of chromosome ________ off & reattaches in a __________ direction b. Ex. Original sentence - The fat cat ate the wee rat Inversion mutation - The fat ____ eew ____ eta tac. III. Large Scale Genetic Change A. ____________– one or more homologues do not _____________.
7 1. ___________– _____ less chromosome a. _________ Syndrome – women born with only ____ X chromosome not __ b. All other cases of full _________ are ________ & the individual will not ___________ development 2. __________ – one ______ chromosome a. Trisomy ____ – _______ syndrome 1. 1 in ________ children 2. more common in _______ mothers
8 IV. Effects of Genetic Change A. _______cells vs. __________ Cells 1. Somatic cells make up all of body cells except ______ cells 2. If mutation occurs on somatic cell that genetic change will be _______ when the owner _______ a. ex.- _________ causing lung cancer 3. ______ cell mutations can be passed onto _____________ a. mostly cause _______ mutations, ________ cause _________ changes
9 V. Genetic Disorders A. __________effects produced by __________ mutations B. most are ___________ C. examples 1. ________ _______ _________ a. physical symptoms- poor circulation, _______, damage to _________ such as _____ b. # of cases in US = ____________
10 2. ______-________ disease a. physical symptoms- deterioration of __________ _________ system, death in early ____________ b. # of cases in US =________ 3. _______ _________ a. physical symptoms- _______buildup in ________, ______, & pancreas, difficulty __________ & digesting, ______________ life span b. # of cases in US =___________
11 4. Hemophilia A a. Physical symptoms- failure of blood to ________, excessive _________ & __________ when injured b. # of cases in US = ____________ 5. ____________ Disease a. physical symptoms- gradual deterioration of _________ tissue in middle age, shortened __________ b. # of cases in US = ___________
13 Ch 15 Notes I. Applications of Human Genetics A. All humans are genetically ________ 1. If the DNA of any two people is compared, _______ is identical B. Identifying Individuals 1. DNA___________________ a. Samples of DNA are cut, sorted, and “__________” to produce a pattern of ____________
14 b. each person has some parts of the DNA sequence that are _________ 1. does not go for identical ________ II. Manipulating Genes A. Genetic ____________ 1. the deliberate __________ of the genetic___________ of an organism. 2. Organisms with modified genes maybe called __________, transgenic, or genetically ____________. a. in everyday use they are referred to as _____________ __________ __________ or _______
15 B. Everyday Applications 1. Food _________ a. Most ______ & _________ products in grocery stores are ______s b. Have bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis added to keep __________ away 2. Livestock a. Engineered to _________ faster & have more __________ & less ______ b. Some GMOs are sold as unusual ________
16 3. Medical treatment a. People suffering from _________ & ______________ are treated with proteins that have been engineered inside ___________ cells C. __________ 1. An organism or piece of genetic material that is genetically ____________ to one that is preexisting. 2. Does happen in nature as __________ reproduction
17 3. Problems a. We have cloned many animals but only a _____ have survived _______ b. Many ________ have grown beyond normal size & _______ to develop _____________ with age c. Efforts to clone humans are _________ in most countries D. Using Stem Cells 1. Def – a cell that can continuously divide & ______________ into various ___________
18 2. Three types of stem cells a. _________ – give rise to any cell type b. __________ – give rise to all except germ cells (sperm/egg) c. __________ – give rise to a few cells 1. adult bodies have these as _________ marrow 3. Issues a. Major source of stem cells is human __________ from _________ clinics b. Strong debate in U.S. over the use of __________ funds for this type of research
19 4. Ethical & Social Issues a. Safety 1. GMOs can “_________” & have unforeseen __________ 2. Bt _________ in GM corn has been ______________ to other plants 3. toxic corn __________ seem to be harming ___________ butterfly populations b. ____________ Rights 1. People can be tested now to see if they have a ___________ disorder before it happens
20 2. Who should see this information? a. ___________ companies? 3. Who should make these ___________? c. Property Laws 1. Old laws do not cover new genetic research __________ 2. _____________ __________(IP) is the ownership of the _______ or plans a person creates 3. Scientists can now patent specific IP _______ sequences