Close-up of the front... pediment of porch octostyle porch corinthian capitals roof of the vestibule
Junction of vestibule and rotunda
Entrance into the rotunda: one of the 7 niches is opposite
Another niche visible though the main entrance
Close-up of original door
Alcove in vestibule where originally there was a statue of Augustus or Agrippa
Floor of the vestibule – circles and squares in granite/marble
Corinthian capitals at the front of the porch (12 m high)
Inside the porch
Close-up of Corinthian capital and the foot of the inscription
Interior: modern Christian sculpture in small niche
Triangular pediment over small alcove supported by small fluted Corinthian columns: alcove flanked by fluted pilasters
Close-up of pilaster to the right (as you enter) of the main entrance
Interior showing niches and alcove between
Close-up of level immediately below the dome (1)
Close-up of level immediately below the dome (2)
Close-up of coffer in dome
Fluted columns of a niche, flanked by pilasters
Oculus The oculus (9m in diameter)
Drainage holes in the floor
Interior view of dome, showing oculus and five rows of coffers