1 Wavelet Transform
2 Definition of The Continuous Wavelet Transform CWT The continuous-time wavelet transform (CWT) of f(x) with respect to a wavelet (x): L 2 (R)
3 Mother Wavelet Dilation / Translation Mother Wavelet aDilationScale bTranslation
4 Properties of a Basic Wavelet Finite energy (Let) fast decay Oscillation (Wave) Admissibility condition. Necessary condition to obtain the inverse from the CWT by the basic Wavelet . Sufficient, but not a necessary condition to obtain the inverse by general Wavelet. L 2 (R) is called a Basic Wavelet if the following admissibility condition is satisfied: Oscillation + fast decay = Wave + let = Wavelet
5 Haar Wavelet Dilation / Translation Haar /2
6 Morlet Wavelet Dilation / Translation Morlet
7 Forward / Inverse Transform [1/5] Forward Inverse Admissibility condition.
8 Forward / Inverse Transform [2/5] Theorem cwt_001 Proof
9 Forward / Inverse Transform [3/5] Theorem cwt_002 Proof
10 Forward / Inverse Transform [4/5] Theorem cwt_003 Proof
11 Forward / Inverse Transform [5/5] Theorem cwt_004 Proof
12 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Stationary Signal
13 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Transient Signal
14 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Transient Signal
15 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Non-visible Oscillation [1/3]
16 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Non-visible Oscillation [2/3]
17 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet - Non-visible Oscillation [3/3]
18 Wavelet Transform Haar Wavelet - Stationary Signal
19 Wavelet Transform Haar Wavelet - Transient Signal
20 Wavelet Transform Mexican Hat - Stationary Signal
21 Wavelet Transform Mexican Hat - Transient Signal
22 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet Fourier/Wavelet Fourier Wavelet
23 Wavelet Transform Morlet Wavelet Fourier/Wavelet Fourier Wavelet
24 CWT - Correlation 1 CWT Cross- correlation CWT W(a,b) is the cross-correlation at lag (shift) between f(x) and the wavelet dilated to scale factor a.
25 CWT - Correlation 2 W(a,b) always exists The global maximum of |W(a,b)| occurs if there is a pair of values (a,b) for which ab (t) = f(t). Even if this equality does not exists, the global maximum of the real part of W 2 (a,b) provides a measure of the fit between f(t) and the corresponding ab (t) (se next page).
26 CWT - Correlation 3 The global maximum of the real part of W 2 (a,b) provides a measure of the fit between f(x) and the corresponding ab (x) ab (x) closest to f(x) for that value of pair (a,b) for which Re[W(a,b)] is a maximum. - ab (x) closest to f(x) for that value of pair (a,b) for which Re[W(a,b)] is a minimum.
27 CWT - Localization both in time and frequency The CWT offers position/time and frequency selectivity; that is, it is able to localize events both in position/time and in frequency. Time: The segment of f(x) that influences the value of W(a,b) for any (a,b) is that stretch of f(x) that coinsides with the interval over which ab (x) has the bulk of its energy. This windowing effect results in the position/time selectivity of the CWT. Frequency: The frequency selectivity of the CWT is explained using its interpretation as a collection of linear, time-invariant filters with impulse responses that are dilations of the mother wavelet reflected about the time axis (se next page).
28 CWT - Frequency - Filter interpretation Convolution CWT CWT is the output of a filter with impulse response * ab (-b) and input f(b). We have a continuum of filters parameterized by the scale factor a.
29 CWT - Time and frequency localization 1 Time Center of mother wavelet Frequency Center of the Fourier transform of mother wavelet
30 CWT - Time and frequency localization 2 Time Frequency Time-bandwidth product is a constant
31 CWT - Time and frequency localization 3 Time Frequency Small a: CWT resolve events closely spaced in time. Large a: CWT resolve events closely spaced in frequency. CWT provides better frequency resolution in the lower end of the frequency spectrum. Wavelet a natural tool in the analysis of signals in which rapidly varying high-frequency components are superimposed on slowly varying low-frequency components (seismic signals, music compositions, …).
32 CWT - Time and frequency localization 4 t Time-frequency cells for a,b (t) a=1/2 a=1 a=2
33 Filtering / Compression Data compression Remove low W-values Lowpass-filtering Replace W-values by 0 for low a-values Highpass-filtering Replace W-values by 0 for high a-values
34 CWT - DWT CWT DWT Binary dilation Dyadic translation Dyadic Wavelets
35 Mexican Hat
36 Rotation - Scaling 2 dim Rotation Scaling
37 Translation - Rotation - Scaling 3 dim Rotation Scaling Translation
38 Mexican Hat - 3 Dim
39 End