D. Heynderickx DH Consultancy, Leuven, Belgium 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK
Overview Rationale and requirements Standardized information collection and storage User identification and registration User friendly data entry and retrieval Resource description Implementation MySQL database Php scripts and web pages On-line demonstration 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK1
System requirements Standardized and user-friendly way to add entries to the catalogue and to edit existing ones Web interface for resource entry and edit Each entry should be logged and connected to a specific user Standardized and flexbile information storage MySQL database php scripts for database operations and web page display Catalogue queries Simple browse page with tabular view of resources Sort results on name, domain,... Filters on keywords, domains, classes,... Combined filter and sort options Links to pop-up window with detailed information 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK2
Resource description List of required content for each catalogue entry Resource name Domain Description Image (logo, sample plot,...) Keywords URL Future upgrades References Contact person (name, affiliation, ,...) Resource type: model or data set analysis tool 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK3
Models Outputs: physical quantities (density, temperature,...) Class: kinetic, MHD, neural network,... Availability: on-line run, source code, under development,... Platform / operating system: needed for source code or binary download Source language: needed for source code distribution 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK4
Data analysis tools Graphical outputs: histogram, power spectrum, time series,... File outputs: similar to graphical outputs Type of algorithm: FFT, Wigner-Ville, wavelet,... Availability: on-line run, source code, under development,... Platform / operating system: needed for source code or binary download Source language: needed for source code distribution Input data requirements: description of data specifications (file type, content, size,...) 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK5
Database structure 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK6
Web pages Home Registration, log in, log out, account information, password reset Browse: view catalogue entries with sort list and filter keys Add: define a new resource Edit: edit an existing resource Summary pop-up screen showing all information for one resource in condensed format notifications to administrators of catalogue updates and user registrations 22 April 2010EuroPlanet, London, UK7