Call Calendar Alpha presentation Distributed Software Development 2014/2015 Biljana Stanić, Damian Marušić, Marko Vuglec
Team members Biljana Stanić (MDH) Md. Abdur Razzaque (MDH) Hrvoje Pavlović (FER) Marko Vuglec (FER) Marko Veličković (MDH) Damian Marušić (MDH/FER)
Content ❖ Project Overview ❖ Scrum and Spirits ❖ Current Project Status ❖ Future Development ❖ Project Management Tools ❖ Testing ❖ Experiences ❖ Alpha Prototype Demo
Project Overview ❖ Customers: Malin Rosqvist & Irfan Šljivo ❖ Enable researchers to find a perfect project call ❖ Enable customers easier manipulation with applications and projects ❖ Functionalities: calls, applications, reports, automatic project and news creation
PrestaShop ❖ Exists of two main parts ❖ Back-office - administration purposes
PrestaShop ❖ Front-office - web page for public
Scrum ❖ Advantages ➢ Adaptive and flexible ➢ Fast customers’ feedback ➢ Incomplete tasks can be corrected in next sprint ❖ Disadvantages ➢ Relaxed schedule ➢ False security ➢ Idea is simple, but realization is complicated
Sprints ❖ 1st Sprint ( ) ➢ Basic documentation ➢ Meeting with customers ➢ Project plan presentation ❖ 2nd Sprint ( ) ➢ Detailed documentation ➢ Server setup ➢ Second meeting with customers ➢ Requirements and design presentation
Sprints ❖ 3rd Sprint ➢ Online meeting with one customer ➢ Detailed DB design ➢ DB deploy ➢ Alpha product ➢ Status presentation ❖ 4th Sprint (future) ➢ Full DB deployment ➢ Beta product ➢ Meeting with both customers ➢ Documentation
Current Project Status: Working Hours ❖ Last week Hours and Total Hours
Current Project Status: Achievements Sprint and date PlanedAchievedDetails Local environment setup100%DONE! Documentation80%Documents are incomplete Presentations100%DONE! Communication with customer 100%Clarified requirements Implement Call part80%Missing document part and deadlines Implement Application part 0%Pushed into next sprint
Current Project Status: Based on requirements ❖ Functional ➢ Add new call ➢ Adding application form to the call ➢ Storing application’s forms ➢ View all calls, View specific call ➢ Create a project ❖ Non-functional ➢ Performance (SQL optimization) ❖ Documents ➢ MoM, Weekly reports ➢ Project plan, Requirements definition, Test report
Future tasks - part 1 ❖ 4th Sprint (future) ➢ Meeting with customers ➢ Full database deployment and link local to server ➢ Finish Call implementation (support for adding documents and deadlines) ➢ Create custom filters
Future tasks - part 2 ❖ 4th Sprint (future) ➢ Implement Application part ➢ Modify documents and publish new revisions ➢ Prepare live beta product demo ➢ Create and add into existing documents tests and results of testing
Project Management Tools ❖ Tools that we use during our project development: ➢ Project tracking ■Github ➢ Documentation ■Google Drive ➢ Communication ■Skype, Viber, ➢ Testing ■Selenium IDE
Testing ❖ Functional testing ❖ Selenium IDE ❖ Tests connection with the database
Experiences ❖ Offline database problems ❖ Documentation is important ❖ Unplanned activities ❖ Customer and product owner in different countries
Alpha Prototype Demo ❖ Completed database design ❖ Finished setting up local development environment ❖ Implemented Call part ➢ view/edit/delete calls (type, status, deadline type) ➢ filter calls by statuses, types and funding agencies
Alpha Prototype Demo ❖ Online demo: ➢ ❖ Offline demo: ➢ Hosted locally on laptop of team member, Marko Veličković
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