facebook Antonio Vivaldi WallPhotosInfoA. VivaldiLogout View photos of A. Vivaldi (5) Send A. Vivaldi a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Friends LBJFrankMarilyn BachJackie Just wrote a new composition The Four Seasons October 31, 1699 Robert Have you finalized the melody for the psalms yet? October 31, 1699 Yes, I can’t believe I had to compose that much for something that is going to last an hour! October 31, 1699 If you don’t stop complaining, I will make you write 200 more in one day! October 31, 1699 Ok. I will get started as soon as I get a drink. October 31, 1699 Forget your thirst, DO IT NOW!!! October 31, 1699 Networks: The Church Sex: Male Birthday: March 4th, 1678 Hometown: Venice, Italy Relationship Status: Priest Religious Views: Catholic
Personal Information facebook Antonio Vivaldi WallPhotosFlairBoxesA. VivaldiLogout View photos of A. Vivaldi (5) Send A. Vivaldi a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: The Church Sex: Male Birthday: March 4th, 1678 Hometown: Venice, Italy Relationship Status: Priest Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Writing music for Louis XV. Interests: Writing music, and playing the Violin Favorite Music: Bach’s, Mozart’s, and Copland’s Music Favorite Movies: Some Like it Hot, Gentleman Prefer Blondes, Ocean’s Eleven, Guys and Dolls Favorite TV Shows: The Ed Sullivan Show, The Frank Sinatra Show, To Tell the Truth Favorite Books: The Road Not Taken, From Russia With Love, Marlborough, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire A. Vivaldi Updated last Tuesday 1 Album Contact Information Address: Venice, Italy Phone Number: (000) Networks: The Church Sex: Male Birthday: March 4th, 1678 Hometown: Venice, Italy Relationship Status: Priest Religious Views: Catholic
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of A. Vivaldi 7 photos Antonio Vivaldi is planning on writing a new piece of music
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