Carpe Diem HELSINKI Meeting 23/24 June 2004 NUID CWRR Report Bruen, Parmentier
Work continued since previous report The collection of hydro-meteorological data, which started at the early stages of the project, has continued (rainfall, water levels, radar measurements) for the Dargle catchment Manual flow measurements and automatic (ultrasonic) measurements on the Dargle have continued to further refine the discharge-water level rating curves.. (WP 9 & 10). Continued development of GIS-based data extraction and comparison tool.
Work started since previous report(summary) NWP (HIRLAM) forecasts of precipitation have been acquired from Met Eireann. We have begun the task of analyzing this data set and of investigating optimal forecast methods. We have two hydrological models calibrated for the data set a distributed model {TOPKAPI (with the help of partner 4)} and a lumped conceptual model {SMARG, (originally proposed by O’Connell & Nash) and implemented by a team (which included Bruen) at UCG } and have some preliminary comparisons. Modelling report (lumped & distributed) at drafting stage, some conclusions presented at workshop. Suggest wait for a full year of independet validation data before finalising.
NWP (HIRLAM forecasts) These are hourly forecasts up to 24 hours lead-time done 4 times per day Two different grid lengths, 15 km (since 1/1/2004) and 25 km (since 1/1/2003). This means we now have a data set of overlapping periods of NWP forecasts, radar rain estimates, gauge rain data and river discharges for the Dargle catchment (and Dodder). By the finish of the project this will be a minimum of 2 years of overlapping data.
Lumped Conceptual Catchment Model (SMARG)
Effect of lack of groundwater component