December 15, 2015 Del Mar Village Specific Plan Voter Survey – Preliminary Results Conducted for the City of Del Mar Presented by Timothy McLarney, Ph.D., President True North Research
Purpose of Study Gauge community awareness & familiarity with the Plan Profile baseline support/opposition to the Plan Measure opinions about specific components of the Plan Identify how additional information shapes opinions about the Plan
Methodology of Study Mixed Methodology to maximize participation Phase 1: invitation letter mailed to 2,945 registered voters Online survey, PIN-protected Follow-up telephone calls Conducted July 7 th to July 23 rd, 2012 423 voters Overall margin of error of ± 4.4%
Importance of Issues
Familiarity With Plan
Initial Ballot Test Without raising taxes and in order to implement the goals of the Community Plan by: Creating a pedestrian-oriented downtown with plazas; Improving the Village’s appearance and economic viability; Increasing public parking availability; Improving traffic flow, bike and pedestrian safety; Reducing air and water pollution; And providing development controls to insure neighborhood compatibility; Shall the City of Del Mar adopt the ordinance approving the Village Specific Plan, as approved by the Del Mar City Council? If the election were held today, would you vote yes or no on this measure?
Initial Ballot Test
Reasons for Opposition
Features of Plan
Positive Arguments
Interim Ballot Test
Negative Arguments
Final Ballot Test
Key Conclusions Awareness & familiarity with the Plan are quite high The Plan in general & specific components of the Plan Currently, voters are fairly evenly split on whether to support or oppose the Plan. Strong support for many aspects of the Plan Improvements to landscaping, business mix, parking, environment, widened sidewalks & bike lanes, plazas, etc. Opposition to the Plan is principally driven by traffic- related concerns (roundabouts & two-lanes)
December 15, 2015 Del Mar Village Specific Plan Voter Survey – Preliminary Results Conducted for the City of Del Mar Presented by Timothy McLarney, Ph.D., President True North Research