陈贵梧 Chen Gui-wu Search
Outline l Google Overview l Basics of Google Search l Advanced Search Made Easy l Search Results Page l Google Tools l Questions & Answers Questions/comments are always welcome!
Google Overview
l Google is a play on the word googol. l It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. l Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Google Overview l Google's founders: Larry Page & Sergey Brin l Google operates web sites at many international domains, with the most trafficked being Larry Page Sergey Brin
Google Overview l Google is widely recognized as the "World's Best Search Engine" and is fast, accurate and easy to use. l File types searched include: o HyperText Markup Language (html) o Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) o Microsoft Excel (xls), PowerPoint (ppt), Word (doc), Microsoft Write (wri) o Rich Text Format (rtf) o Shockwave Flash (swf) o Text (ans, txt) …
Google Overview l Users : o Google is the #1 search engine in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and Australia o Global unique users per month: 81.9 million o Languages for which Google provides an interface: More than 100 o Languages in which Google offers results: 35 o Global audience: More than 50 percent of Google.com traffic is from outside the US
Life of a Google Query 1. Web server sends query to index servers. 2.Query travels to doc servers, which actually retrieve stored documents. 3.Search results returned to user in a fraction of a second
Outline l Google Overview l Basics of Google Search l Advanced Search Made Easy l Google Tools l Questions & Answers Questions/comments are always welcome!
Basics of Google Search Simply type one or more search terms into the search box, and hit the 'Enter' key or click on the Google Search button. In response, Google produces a results page: a list of web pages related to your search terms, with the most relevant page appearing first, then the next, and so on. Doing a search on Google:
Basics of Google Search l Choosing search terms l Capitalization l Automatic "and" queries l Automatic exclusion of common words l Word variations (stemming) l Phrase searches
Basics of Google Search l Choosing search terms: 1. Start with the obvious terms 2. Often advisable to use multiple search terms 3. Use sufficiently specific search terms
Basics of Google Search l Capitalization: 1. Google searches are NOT case sensitive. 2. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case.
Basics of Google Search l Automatic "and" queries: 1. By default, Google only returns pages that include all of your search terms. 2. No need to include "and" between terms. 3. The order in which the terms are typed will affect the search results. 4. To restrict a search further, just include more terms.
Basics of Google Search l Automatic exclusion of common words: 1. Google ignores common words and characters such as "where" and "how", as well as certain single digits and single letters 2. Google will indicate if a common word has been excluded by displaying details on the results page 3. If a common word is essential to getting results you want, include it by putting a "+" sign in front of it , or conducting a phrase search, i.e., putting quotation marks around two or more words.
Basics of Google Search l Word variations (stemming) 1. Google uses stemming technology. 2. When appropriate, it will search not only for your search terms, but also for words that are similar to some or all of those terms. 3. Any variants of your terms that were searched for will be highlighted in the snippet of text accompanying each result.
Basics of Google Search l Phrase searches: Sometimes you'll only want results that include an exact phrase. In this case, simply put quotation marks around your search terms.
Outline l Google Overview l Basics of Google Search l Advanced Search Made Easy l Google Tools l Questions & Answers Questions/comments are always welcome!
Advanced Search
l With Advanced Search, you can search only for pages: that contain ALL the search terms you type in that contain the exact phrase you type in that contain at least one of the words you type in that do NOT contain any of the words you type in written in a certain language created in a certain file format that have been updated within a certain period of time that contain numbers within a certain range within a certain domain, or website that don't contain "adult" material …
Advanced Search Operators l Include Search ("+" Search) Synonym Search ("~ “ Search) l OR Search Advanced Operators ( define:, intitle:, allintitle:, filetype:)
"+" Search l Google ignores common words and characters and other digits and letters, which slow down your search without improving results. l If a common word is essential to getting results you want, you can include it by putting a "+" sign in front of it. Be sure to include a space before the "+" sign.
Synonym Search l If you want to search not only for your search term but also for its synonyms, place the tilde sign ("~") immediately in front of your search term.
"OR" Search l To find pages that include either of two search terms, add an uppercase OR between the terms.
Advanced Operators define: The query [define:] will provide a definition of the words you enter after it, gathered from various online sources. The definition will be for the entire phrase entered (i.e., it will include all the words in the exact order you typed them).
Advanced Operators intitle: 1. If you include [intitle:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title. 2. Note there can be no space between the "intitle:" and the following word. 3. Putting [intitle:] in front of every word in query is equivalent to putting [allintitle:] at the front of your query.
Advanced Operators l allintitle: If you start a query with [allintitle:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the title.
Advanced Operators l filetype: If you include [filetype:]suffix in your query, Google will restrict the results to a specific file format.
Search Results Page Top links
Search Results Page l A. Top links Click the link for the Google service you want to use. You can search the web, look for images, browse Google Groups (Usenet discussion archive), or use Froogle to search for products. l B. Google search button: Click on this button to submit another search query. You can also submit your query by hitting the 'Enter' key. l C. Advanced search Links to a page on which you can do more precise searches. l D. Search field To do a search on Google, just type in a few descriptive search terms, then hit “Enter” or click on the “Google Search” button.
Search Results Page l E. Preferences Links to a page that lets you set your personal search preferences, including your language, the number of results per page, and whether you want your search results screened by our SafeSearch filter to avoid seeing adult material. l F. Statistics bar Describes your search and indicates the total number of results, as well as how long the search took to complete. l G.Tip Information that helps you search more efficiently and effectively by pointing out Google features and tools that might improve the query you just made.
Search Results Page l H. OneBox results Google's search technology finds many sources of specialized information. Those that are most relevant to your search are included at the top of your search results. Typical onebox results include news, stock quotes, weather and local websites related to your search. l I. Page title The first line of any search result item is the title of the web page we found. If you see a URL instead of a title, then either the page has no title or googlers haven't yet indexed that page's full content.
Search Results Page l J. Text below the title This is an excerpt from the result page with your query terms are bolded. If expanding the range of search using stemming technology, the variations of search terms searched for will also be bolded. l K. URL of result This is the web address of the returned result. l L.Size This number is the size of the text portion of the web page, and gives you some idea of how quickly it might display. You won't see a size figure for sites that googlers haven't yet indexed.
Search Results Page l M. Cached Clicking this link will show contents of web page when googlers last indexed it. If for some reason the site link doesn't connect you to the current page, you might still find info you need on cached version. l N. Similar pages When you select Similar Pages link for a particular result, Google automatically scouts Web for pages that are related to this result. l O.Indented result When Google finds multiple results from same website, most relevant result is listed first, with other relevant pages from that site indented below it. l P.More results More than two results from same site, remaining results can be accessed by clicking on "More results from..." link.
Outline l Google Overview l Basics of Google Search l Advanced Search Made Easy l Google Tools l Questions & Answers Questions/comments are always welcome!
Google Tools Directory Browse the web by topic Groups Create mailing lists and discussion groups Images Search for images on the web WebSearch Search over billions of web pages
Google Tools Print Search the full text of books Scholar Search scholarly papers Blog Search Find blogs on your favorite topics News Search thousands of news stories
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