This is CS50 AP.
The Job/Student gap in Computer Science (US) The source for the job data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Projections for job openings and replacements in computing jobs is 1,366,200 jobs from 2010 - 2020. Projections for all other STEM jobs combined (engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences) is 908,700 jobs over the same period. This is a 60:40 ratio of jobs in Computing vs the rest of STEM. The source for the students data comes from the College Board, surveying 2012 AP examination participation (see, shows that of the 1,379,585 AP math and science exams taken by US high school students in 2013, only 29,555 were computer science exams. This is a 2:98 ratio of students in computer science vs the rest of STEM. We are currently working on the global data.
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Why Computer Science? Why Now? 60% 40% Computing Jobs Other math & sciences Jobs The Job/Student gap in Computer Science (US) The source for the job data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Projections for job openings and replacements in computing jobs is 1,366,200 jobs from 2010 - 2020. Projections for all other STEM jobs combined (engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences) is 908,700 jobs over the same period. This is a 60:40 ratio of jobs in Computing vs the rest of STEM. The source for the students data comes from the College Board, surveying 2012 AP examination participation (see, shows that of the 1,379,585 AP math and science exams taken by US high school students in 2013, only 29,555 were computer science exams. This is a 2:98 ratio of students in computer science vs the rest of STEM. We are currently working on the global data.
Why Computer Science? Why Now? 98% All other math & sciences students 60% 40% Computing Jobs Other math & sciences Jobs The Job/Student gap in Computer Science (US) The source for the job data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Projections for job openings and replacements in computing jobs is 1,366,200 jobs from 2010 - 2020. Projections for all other STEM jobs combined (engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences) is 908,700 jobs over the same period. This is a 60:40 ratio of jobs in Computing vs the rest of STEM. The source for the students data comes from the College Board, surveying 2012 AP examination participation (see, shows that of the 1,379,585 AP math and science exams taken by US high school students in 2013, only 29,555 were computer science exams. This is a 2:98 ratio of students in computer science vs the rest of STEM. We are currently working on the global data. 2% Computer science students
Less than 2.4% of college students graduate with a degree in computer science. And numbers have dropped since the last decade.
Less than 2.4% of college students graduate with a degree in computer science. And numbers have dropped since the last decade.
AP Computer Science Principles (“CSP”) New AP course from College Board, debuting for school year 2016-17. Complements existing AP Computer Science A. Focuses on creative problem solving and real-world applications of computing. Prepares students for college and career. Attracts and engages a wide variety of students, including traditionally underrepresented groups (e.g. women, minorities)
CS50 for AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) (CS50 AP) Is a new course that maps to the College Board’s AP Computer Science Principles Framework Rigor Accessibility Culture
“CS50 AP” Adapted from CS50, Harvard University’s introductory computer science course. Programming-intensive flavor of CSP. Built on three pillars: Rigor Let’s actually prepare students for college-level work… Accessibility …but vigorously support those who’ve never programmed before… Culture …and instead encourage students to participate in a vibrant community and fun classroom events.
CSP and CS A AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) AP Computer Science A (CS A) Focuses on: fundamentals of computing, problem solving, data, the Internet, cybersecurity, and programming Focuses on: object-oriented programming (OOP) and problem solving. Free to choose any programming language. AP exam will be programming-language neutral. Java is the designated programming language for the course and exam.
Comparing the AP CSP Pilot Curricula Cost Teacher background? Language(s) Individual classrooms? Student self-study? CS50 AP Free Completion of CS50x Scratch, C, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS Yes 2016-17 Project Lead the Way Fee X Python No Scratch, JavaScript Beauty and Joy of Computing Snap! Google CSP4HS Mobile CSP MIT App Inventor The Job/Student gap in Computer Science (US) The source for the job data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Projections for job openings and replacements in computing jobs is 1,366,200 jobs from 2010 - 2020. Projections for all other STEM jobs combined (engineering, life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences) is 908,700 jobs over the same period. This is a 60:40 ratio of jobs in Computing vs the rest of STEM. The source for the students data comes from the College Board, surveying 2012 AP examination participation (see, shows that of the 1,379,585 AP math and science exams taken by US high school students in 2013, only 29,555 were computer science exams. This is a 2:98 ratio of students in computer science vs the rest of STEM. We are currently working on the global data.
Information on CS50 AP AP Computer Science Principles CS50 AP wiki CS50 AP wiki CS50 at Harvard CS50x on edX Apply for CS50 AP Teacher Workshops Applications available on CS50 AP wiki starting 12/1/15.