Introduction One target: achieve universal primary education Universal access to quality education – fundamental human right – Constitution of RSA NDP: reduced poverty and inequality Progress in support of education – Integration of disparate systems – Cycle of improvement in the curriculum – Expanding and improving infrastructure – Programs for equitable access, opportunity, outcomes – Retaining share of government expenditure Reshaped the basic education – post school education relationship Measure of success seen as ‘interconnected’
MGD 2 Indicators
Indicators of Access and Participation
Measures of Quality
Outcome Indicators
Overall observations Access has improved across an expanded range of education phases. Investment in education has grown consistently and substantially. Less consistent improvement in efficiency. Improving the quality of educational outcomes has proven more challenging than securing access.
Drivers Enabling policies and programmes: – Pro-poor budget, school fees, transport, accessible infrastructure, Community Colleges; NSFAS. – Education budget: 20% of Government expenditure; 6.3% of GDP. – Increased % of qualified teachers, improvement in L-E ratios, infrastructure.
Impediments Teacher quality; 98% qualified teachers. Not referring to teaching quality, content knowledge or classroom practice. NEEDU report – Inability of FPT to inculcate problem-solving and analytical skills. Quality of Grade R programmes and the quality of teaching. Implementation of the Retention Policy
Sustainable Development Goals Aligns with SDG 4: ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all’. Eight indicators: access to early childhood development interventions, primary and secondary completion rates for girls and boys, tertiary enrolment rates, mastery of a range of foundational skills in primary schooling, and proficiency in literacy and maths by lower secondary schooling.
Recommendations Critical factor: quality of teaching and learning Emphasis on improvement of teaching and learning from Grade R, Foundation Phase, Secondary Schools Evaluate and improve teacher subject matter knowledge at pedagogy Safer school environment Gender differences Appropriate support to grade repeaters
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