Making a Commitment of Abstinence
Whether or not you have had sex in the past, or are a virgin and want to remain that way until your wedding night, the following steps and suggestions can help you live out a decision to be abstinent.
DECIDE Where do you want to draw YOUR line? Decide today that you will be committed to abstinence. If you've been sexually active, forgive yourself for the past and decide to make a new start. **Only YOU can make this decision. Make it NOW. Don't "Wait and See". People who "wait and see" are most likely to be too emotionally involved to make a good, rational decision once they are in a relationship.
DETACH Detach yourself from tempting situations, places, etc… Detach yourself from people, places or situations that might cause you to compromise your decision to remain or become sexually abstinent. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Don't set yourself up to 'slip', make plans that will help you stick to your decision.
DEVELOP Develop non-physical ways of showing you care…. Develop non-physical ways of expressing your care and affection. Plan creative activities with your friends and practice creative dating in your relationships.
SUPPORT Surround yourself with people that Support your decision Find others who share your values and will support you, encourage you, and hold you accountable for this decision.
Additional Helpful Hints: Dress Appropriately: Guys tend to be stimulated by what they see. (visually) So girls need to be aware of this. Guys - don’t make assumptions about a women based solely on the way they dress.
Avoid drugs or alcohol: Drugs and alcohol cloud your decision making ability and lower your resistance to say "no". It may push you to do things you would not normally do. Also, it may put you in situations where someone may try to take advantage of you.
Avoid spending long periods of time alone together: Date wisely…plan ahead; Group date, Do things with his/her family or family members, go to public places. Avoid the set-up! Remember Jack and Jill.. don’t spend time on the couch under a blanket watching a movie alone.
Go out with people with similar standards: Be friendly with everyone but "hang out" with and date people with similar values, it makes it easier to stick to your commitment. Talk about it with your boyfriend/girlfriend.