For us all to agree
What sometimes gets in the way of healthy relationships between boys and girls?
This is Sam. He is 14. You are going to learn more about his life. In turn, you are each going to reveal something about him. You must suggest reasonable information about – his personality and character his family and friends what he thinks about school his hobbies where he lives his hopes and fears. Basic Rules: You must make him believable – no extreme situations No contradictions No major events/circumstances.
By the end of this lesson, I will have a greater understanding about how people might feel when they find out they are going to have a baby. I will be able to advise people about: 1.Staying safe and healthy 2.The different agencies that can offer guidance and support in such situations.
What other issues surround teenage pregnancy? Did he know enough about how people get pregnant? Did he know what the law says about when you can have sex? Is he aware of the views of the different faiths on sex and relationships? Does he know about sexually transmitted diseases? What impact will becoming a father have on his GCSE’S? Does he have the support of people at home? Is he ready for bringing up a child? Will his relation- ship with his girlfriend change?
All the information shows us that becoming pregnant when you are a teenager is not ideal and presents the people involved with very difficult problems. You work for ChildLine as an advisor on Sexual Health. A 14 year old boy, much like Sam has written to you in confidence asking for advice. He has just started a sexual relationship with his girlfriend who he has been seeing for a few weeks. He is anxious about this situation. You must reply in the form of a letter. Your advice must include the following: 1.What you believe is the best course of action 2.Precautions he ought to take 3.Advice about telling his parents 4.People he could talk to and agencies she could contact. Use the information pack to help with your advice.
Need to talk? Call ChildLine Do you or a friend have a problem? Call us on Calls are free and confidential
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