Recognition of Prior Learning in University of Western Brittany Rostov on Don Abdeslam MAMOUNE and Yannis Kablan 29 th of September 2015
University of Western Brittany (UBO) Lifelong learning department UBO, facts and figures : -A pluridisciplinary university : Arts, human sciences, languages, sciences, Law, economics, administration, management, engineering schools, Physical education, Medecine except pharmacy -Each year : nearly students, -189 diplomas based on the European model (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate) -6 faculties, 7 specialized institutes, 1 engineering school, 1 midwifery school Bureau REVA, an office within the Lifelong learning Department : -Responsible for managing adults returning to education; -Guidance in non-formal and informal learning validation 2 29/09/
Plan 1.Overview of the French Higher Education system 2.The framework of Recognition and Accreditation of Prior Learning in France 3.The French RPL system for Higher Education University of Western brittany case 29/09/15www.valeru.eu3
1 Overview of the French Higher Education system 29/09/15www.valeru.eu4
HLE organization in France Most of the French Higher Education system is public, with very low tuition fees (~ 1,3 Millions students pays between 170 and 350 €/year) and it depends on the Ministry of National Education, Higher education and scientific Research (78%) 29/09/ 5
Health studies The Higher Education Level System in France… after Bologna (2002) Years D M B Licence (bachelor) GE Master Doctorate DUT BTS CP Baccalauréat Access diploma 29/09/ 6
1- Initial and continuing education LLL; 2- Scientific and technological research and its valorization 3- Guidance and careers; 4- Diffusion of culture, scientific and technical information 5- Participation to the European HLE and research area 6- International cooperation French education act, 1984, and modified in 2013 : HLE in France has 6 missions 29/09/15www.valeru.eu7
As stated in the Education Act : Adults and students can follow the same courses and get the same diplomas, but tuition fees can be different… All HLE diplomas (B, M, D) can be obtained through different ways, There are specific possibilities for adults to access to University. Intregrative model 29/09/15www.valeru.eu8
There are specific possibilities for adults to access degree courses: At the Bachelor degree level: by a special access diploma called “DAEU” /year and only 4000 diplomas !) At all level: by Recognition of Prior Learning to access (≈18 000/year) 29/09/15www.valeru.eu9
But also, all HLE diplomas can be obtained through different ways: Full time studies (initial education : 91.2%) Worked based learning (1.5%) Continuing Education (6.4%) Recognition of Prior Learning (0.3%) 29/09/15www.valeru.eu10
2 The framework of RPL in Higher Level Education in France 29/09/15www.valeru.eu11
The recognition of prior learning It’s to accept that one person can learn everywhere and at anytime, outside of formal learning situations. It’s to accept that this learning from experience can be equivalent to formal academic knowledge. And to accept to deliver an official certification Location, Way of... Evaluation Certification : a diploma from an official body 29/09/15www.valeru.eu12
13 Initial Training Contuining Education Contuining Education Social Expérience Self training: Reading, meeting People, web.. Professionel Expérience InformelNon-formelFormel Informel Life… 1 From CE... To LLL Diplôme RPL
The different steps in the accreditation scheme (1/2) Three decrees (French republic government order), three dates: 1985 : Decree defines the terms of the validation of personal and Professional experience A decree determining the condition of validation of the professional Experiences on personnal learning outcomes for access to the various Levels of Higher education. This decree is still used and completes the existing text on the validation Of prior experience 14 29/09/
The different steps in the accreditation scheme (2/2) Three decrees, three dates: 1992 : Validation of professional experience for the delivery of a part of a national degree through the validation of skills acquired in the exercise Of professional activities 2002 : Possibility to obtain the totality of a qualification on a diploma by French “VAE” (learning by experience) Social modernization law With a specific decree for higher education 29/09/15www.valeru.eu15
What does the 2002 law says? Who? : Anybody having at least 3 years of professional or extra professional Experience What degrees? All diplomas and qualifications having professional prospects registered in a national list by a state commission (mainly B,M,D for universities) What experiences? Any professional experience acquired from a paid or unpaid activity (including experiences from activities in non profit making association or Trade unions) having a direct relationship with the content of the diploma Or of the certification 16 29/09/
What does the 2002 law says? How? : The candidate declares and produces a portfolio of evidences By whom? Accreditation boards are set up in universities They are composed of : University, lecturers and teachers companies or consultant With, if possible, an equal number of men and women 17 29/09/
What has changed in 2002? It’s the creation of a new way to get a diploma by a new experience, Equivalent to schooling, apprenticeship, or further education… From then on the law has allowed us to obtain a diploma without any training Now somebody has no need to come and study at University. His or her experience allow him or her to obtain a degree 29/09/15www.valeru.eu18
The procedure in higher education 6 steps: 1.Informing, counselling people asking for accreditation 2.Guidance 3.Admissibility procedure 4.Filling the portfolio (+coaching) 5.Setting an accreditation board (Jury) and organising an interview 6.Deliberation and decision of the jury. Prescription/advice… if necessary… 29/09/
3 The French RPL system for Higher Education University of Western brittany case 29/09/15www.valeru.eu20
RPL in University of Western brittany Organization in 3 levels : Guidance for candidates that want to deal with their projects in depth Validation of experience Dedicated pedagogical support, for the follow up prescription follow up in case of incomplete validation UBO has been involved in implementation of RPL, since /09/15www.valeru.eu21
Some figures In 2014 140 persons have been supported for their own RPL procedures. 115 examination juries (55% get full validation for their diploma University of Western brittany is ranked third in France since /09/15www.valeru.eu22 RPL in University of Western brittany
23 MERCI Yannis Kablan European project manager Lifelong learning department, University of Western britanny