DIFFERENCES IN DRUGS MEDICINES: Legal drugs that help the body fight injury, illness, or disease. OVER-THE-COUNTER: Medicine that is sold legally in pharmacies and other stores without a doctors prescription. PRESCRIPTION DRUG: A drug that can only be obtained with a written order from a doctor. ILLEGAL DRUG: Chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy, or sell.
DRUG MISUSE AND ABUSE DRUG MISUSE: The improper use of medicines—either prescription or over- the-counter drugs. (ex: taking more than prescribed) DRUG ABUSE: When a drug is intentionally used improperly or unsafely. (ex: taking pain killers for a “high”) Figure 1 Page 427
DANGERS OF DRUG MISUSE AND ABUSE SIDE EFFECTS: An unwanted physical or mental effect caused by a drug. TOLERANCE AND DEPENDANCE: Needing more of the drug to feel the effects, and needing the drug to feel normal. WITHDRAWAL: Nausea, vomiting, headaches, fever, paranoia, panic, seizures, death.
COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS: DEPRESSANTS BARBITURATES: In small doses can relax a person, in large doses induce sleep. OPIATES: Any drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the pods of poppy seed plants. Combined with morphine makes heroin. CSN DEPRESSANTS: Slows down the activity of the central nervous system. Long- Term: Sleepiness, blood and liver disease, infections, brain damage
COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS: STIMULANTS STIMULANT: Drug that speeds up activities of the central nervous system. AMPHETAMINES: Prescription drugs that are sometimes sold illegally as “speed.” METHAMPHETAMINE: Closely related to amphetamines but more powerful. COCAINE: Powerful but short-acting. Often snorted or injected directly into blood stream. (Chart on 443)
COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS: HALLUCINOGENS HALLUCINOGENS: A drug that distorts perception, thought, and mood. LSD: Strongest known hallucinogen PSILOCYBIN: Also known as “shrooms” PCP: Formerly used as a painkiller for large animals. Users may unintentionally injure or kill themselves. Long-term: brain damage, psychotic behavior, depression, paranoia, heart damage
Club Drugs MDMA (Ecstasy)- Hallucinogen and stimulant.- Increased HR, BP, Body Temp Rohypnol- Depressant – decrease BP, HR, causes drowsiness. GHB- Depressant/Steroid- drowsiness, nausea, headache Ketamine- Hallucinogen-Special K- increase HR, BP, memory loss
MARIJUANA **The leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the hemp plant. Effects of Marijuana: ◦ Distorted perceptions ◦ Difficulties with thinking/problem solving ◦ Loss of motor coordination ◦ Feelings of anxiety or paranoia= Gateway Drug ◦ Synthetic Marijuana (spice) (k2)
TOBACCO **Tobacco products are made from dried, processed leaves of tobacco plants. Tobacco plants naturally produce a chemical called nicotine. Tobacco users take in nicotine whenever they use cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or smokeless tobacco products.
TOBACCO CONT. SMOKELESS TOBACCO: Tobacco that is chewed, placed between the lower lip and teeth, or sniffed through the nose. **Smokeless tobacco is NOT a healthy alternative to regular tobacco (Smoking)!!
RISKS OF TOBACCO USE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS: Persons breathing airways are constantly inflamed. Mucus producing cells increase in number and size. ENPHYSEMA: Disorder in which alveoli in the lungs can no longer function properly CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE CANCER