By Aaron Careins & Davon Larry
Here's a cheery thought while you're baking Nestle's Toll House chocolate chip cookie dough: those chocolate chips may have been produced by children working long hours with no pay, some of whom have been injured by machetes. Nestle, the company famous for its chocolates and other foods, is accused of not doing enough to stop the brutal child labor in the chocolate industry, BBC News reported. BBC News reported Its long been known that child labor plays a major role in producing the world's cocoa, GlobalPost reported, with about 600,000 children in Ivory Coast working on cocoa farms. GlobalPost reported More from GlobalPost: When the BRICs crumbleWhen the BRICs crumble Nestle, the world's largest food company, has pledged to stop the practice. More recently, Nestle commissioned the Fair Labor Association to map its cocoa supply chain in the Ivory Coast, the BBC said. While Nestle gets credit for being the first multinational chocolate company to allow its system to be completely assessed, the results of the investigation were nonetheless not good. "The investigation by FLA found that child labor persists despite industry efforts to discourage the employment of children," the FLA said in a statement, according to Reuters. according to Reuters Nestle accepted the findings of the report and said they hope to improve their labor practices: “The use of child labor in our cocoa supply goes against everything we stand for,” Jose Lopez, Nestle’s head of operations, said in a webcast following the news, Bloomberg News reported. Bloomberg News reported The FLA report recommends that the Ivory Coast government take its own regulatory steps to end child labor. It also suggests that Nestle and other chocolate companies set clearer labor standards to all parties in its supply chain, Bloomberg reported. 2012
There are 74.4 million children under the age of 18. Despite recent improvements, many children continue to face hardships. Due to the economic situation of their families, some children have to leave school and go to work. It is estimated that around seven per cent of children between the ages of five and 14 are involved in child labour. Children work in all sectors, often under unfavourable conditions, and most do not attend school. Child domestic workers are often found in middle class households in urban areas. Other working children can be found begging, cleaning cars or selling merchandise on the streets.
.12 hours a day. In reality, children do a variety of work in widely divergent conditions. This work takes... This is the most widely used yardstick when establishing how many children are currently working.... to remove under age workers from 2,000 garment factories, place them in school and provide...
The age distribution of the population was: under age 15, 39.2 percent, 15 to 59, Life expectancy at birth in 1995 was 59 for males and 63 for females.... even though the government has proclaimed a limit of only two children per family,...
Agriculture, Mining, Ceramics and glass factory work, Matches and fireworks, Deep-sea fishing.
The kids in Indonesia only get payed 10 or 20 cents a day and they make about fifty five dollars a year.
The law sets the minimum age for work at The law contains an exception for employing children from 13 up to 15 years to perform light work that does not disrupt their physical, mental, and social development. A set of requirements is outlined for employment of children in this age range, including a maximum of 3 hours of work per day, parental permission, and no disruption of schooling.2155 Employing and involving children under 18 in the worst forms of child labor or economic exploitation are prohibited under the law; failure to comply can result in criminal sanctions of 2 to 5 years of imprisonment. The law defines the worst forms of child labor as slavery; use of children in prostitution, pornography and gambling; use of children for the production and trade of alcohol, narcotics, and addictive substances; and all types of work harmful to the health, safety and morals of children. The law identifies a list of such harmful activities and provides detailed descriptions and examples of these activities. These include jobs requiring children to work with machines; jobs where physical, chemical, or biological hazards are present; jobs with inherent hazards such as construction, offshore fishing, lifting heavy loads etc; and jobs that harm the morals of the children including working in bars, massage parlors, discotheques, or promoting alcohol or drugs to arouse sexual desire.2156 Persons who expose children to such hazardous activities are liable to terms of up to 5 years of imprisonment or a fine.2157 An Indonesian decree calls for general programs to ban and abolish worst forms of child labor and improve family income, and for specific programs for non-formal education and returning children to school by providing scholarships.2158 Additional specific legal sanctions are laid out against offenses of commercial sexual exploitation, child trafficking, involving children in the production or distribution of alcohol or narcotics, and involving children in armed conflict. Anyone exercising legal custody of a child under 12 years for the purpose of providing that child to another person, knowing that the child is going to be used for the purposes of begging, harmful work, or work that affects the child's health, may face a maximum sentence of
The report finds that as many as 2.3 million children aged 7 – 14 years old are engaged in employment in Indonesia; each being denied their fundamental rights to full education, physical safety, protection, leisure and recreation. Most working children do manage to participate in some amount of schooling; however, the amount of time they spend in classes is much less than for non-working children, undermining their learning potential and opportunities for the future.
5-10 is the average age for teen workers
may also be compelled to gather tobacco, sugar cane, and other crops where they will be subjected to equally damaging conditions.