GOAL: to meet the water needs of current and future water users while protecting and preserving the water resources within its boundaries. Covers 16 counties and over 4 million people.
Florida hotels use about 63 million gallons of water per day. 23 billion gallons of water per year.
Began as a pilot program in 2002 Towel and Linen Reuse Program Free to all properties located in the District
Free Materials Towel cards Linen cards Table brochures Comment cards
Sleep Well at a Water-Saving Hotel/Motel WaterChamp.org
Water CHAMP Savings In 2009, more than 450 Water CHAMP properties participated in the program, and together saved more than 187 million gallons of water.
Make new employees aware of the program and how to implement it. Restock linen and towel cards when needed. Now order on WaterChamp.org. Have comment cards available in rooms.
The Basics of Water PRO Help restaurants lower operating costs and conserve water Simple adjustments with no or little initial expense Educate restaurant employees and guests Display educational materials Complete self-audit checklist Contains water-saving recommendations, not requirements Serve water only upon request
High-efficiency spray valve FREE!
FreeMaterials Free Materials
Food and Beverage Preparation Turn off or reduce flow to dipper wells Turn off continuous flow used to wash drain trays Use water from steam table to wash down cook’s area Adjust ice machine to dispense less ice Don’t use running water to melt excess ice or thaw frozen foods
Dishwashing Presoak utensils and dishes in basins of water Use high-efficiency spray valves Run dishwashers only when full and turn off when not in use
Dining Room… Serve water only upon request! Conservation message Save water and money Glass of water = 3 glasses used
Thank you! For more information or to sign-up, visit WaterChamp.org WaterPro.org