Oracle Beginners Overview Training Agenda Key Member Roles Expenditure Types (E-Types) Project/Grants Management System (PA/GMS) Expenditure Inquiry UTRGV Oracle Projects (Crosswalk) Chart of Accounts Structure Funds Inquiry/Summary Accounts/Funds Check Process XXEIS eXpress Report User
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Oracle Responsibilities to be requested If information in Oracle does not reflect Current or New Project Key Members then the Project Key Member Update form needs to be submitted to Accounts Control for processing prior to requesting the following responsibilities: UTRGV GL Inquiry UTRGV PA/GMS Project Manager XXEIS eXpress Report User
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Key Member Roles Project Management within Oracle is defined via key member roles. Project Manager (PM) Alternate Approver (AA) Project Reviewer (PR) Each project should have all three key members filled, but NO one project can have multiple key member assignments during the same timeframe (i.e., a project is not allowed to have two Project Managers simultaneously, etc.) UTRGV PROJECT LISTING report can be run to view the current key members listed for a particular project
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Role of Project Manager – PM Assumes the overall responsibility for a project. Assures that appropriate segregation of duties are in place and that no single person is responsible for 1. Entering transactions, 2. Approving transactions, 3. Receiving cash and 4. Reconciling accounts Acts as an approver and is responsible for verifying the legitimacy, appropriateness, and necessity of transactions recorded against the project.
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Role of Project Manager – Continued If it is a sponsored project, it includes verifying that the costs are allowable on the grant. PMs are to make an orderly transfer of responsibility when the individuals assigned to a project change during mid-year. PM is also responsible for certifying the Semi Annual Project Certification during (Aug of prior year thru Jan) February, and (Feb thru Jul) August of each fiscal year.
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Role of Alternate Approver - AA During the Project Manager’s absence (or by request), the Alternate Approver acts as the official custodian on behalf of the PM, verifying the legitimacy, appropriateness, and necessity of transactions recorded against the project.
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Role of Project Reviewer - PR The PR is responsible for reviewing/reconciling each transaction posted against the project, ensuring its accuracy and validating that sufficient source documentation exists (paper form or electronic data residing in Oracle). The PR also reviews the non-workflow expenditure exceptions. These transactions represent items which were not initially authorized (via approval workflow) by the PM or AA.
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Project/Grants Management System (PA/GMS) The reconciliation for expenditures should be conducted from this module There are two main project categories: Sponsored Projects - have an award and terms linked to the project. Non-Sponsored Projects (operating) - have a funding source
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Expenditure Types (E-Type) The PA/GMS module holds the lowest level of detail (expenditure type) for your project expenditures. These expenses include payroll, supplier, and all other costs regardless of the type of project you hold
Oracle Beginners Overview Training Expenditure Inquiry Expenditure Inquiry screen is recommended for viewing/analyzing a limited amount of transactions. The Actuals window can be used to review project expenditure transactions. A Project number is needed to inquire on any expenditure. Information can be narrowed down by e-type, employee name, supplier name, expenditure item date, expenditure categories. For large scale transactions, it is preferred that you run the UTRGV ADHOC TRANSACTIONS REPORT to obtain the equivalent information.
Expenditure Inquiry
Project Listing Numbers: To find the most current listing of UTRGV Project Numbers please log-in to Navigate as follows: Home/About/Administration/Finance and Administration/Finance and Public Policy *Please note under UTRGV Project Numbers consists of only numeric digits.
UTRGV – Chart of Accounts Structure The COA structure is the Foundation of how data is organized in Oracle. Is comprised of 6 segments for a total of 32 characters These segments together are commonly referred as GL Account String Segments include: Fund (2), Funding Source (5), Organization (5), Project (9) – *All numeric, Object (5) and NACUBO (6)
Funds checking for Operating Projects. (Summary Accounts) Funds checking for Operating Projects is done by checking the – Non Labor Expense Line – Funds Check. Examples of Summary level accounts – All Salaries Subtotal – Wages – Employee Benefits – Labor Expenses – Operating – Travel * – Non-labor Expense – Funds Check – Expense Summary – Total
EiS eXpress User – General Ledger Reports Please take note of the following UTRGV reports: Project Listing Report - Lists all active and closed project and key members linked to a project. Object Listing Report - Lists all current GL Objects and its corresponding Expenditure Types Organization Listing Report - Lists all current GL Organizations Monthly Statement of Account - Lists all transactions for a project that reside in GL and lists all PA/GMS actual expenditures in detail by expenditure category Additionally the report lists all outstanding purchasing and payables
EiS eXpress User – General Ledger Reports - Continued Additionally the report lists all outstanding purchasing and payables Encumbrances Adhoc Journals Report - Lists all journals detail from GL, which includes; Actual, Budget and Encumbrance journals. Adhoc Transactions Report - Lists all expenditures by e-types that reside in the PA/GMS module. Labor Encumbrance Report - Provides detailed labor encumbrance information by Project, Organization, Employee Name and Project Manager.