Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Feed Costs Rommel C. Sulabo and Hans H. Stein Univ. of Illinois
H. H. Stein Importance of F/G For each 0.10 lb improvement in F/G, profit increases by $3.0 per marketed pig A 10% improvement in F/G corresponds to an improvement of 0.30 lb ($9.0/pig)
Tip 1: Start with what you can control Reduce feed wastage Check all feeders, delivery systems, feed bins Adjust feeders routinely Improve pellet quality
Poor feeder adjustment
H. H. Stein Item Diet form:MealPelletDiff. Daily gain, lb % Daily feed intake, lb % FCR % Wondra et al., 1992 Effect of pelleting Target: < 20% fines at the feeder
Tip 2: Check the particle size of your feed
Effect of Particle Size < > Particle Size Digestibility Microns DM CP Energy F/G KSU, 1985 Target: microns
Tip 3: Maximize the use of DDGS in your diets
DDGS Value, GF diets Corn ($/Bu): SBM ($/ton): (152) 182 (180) 203 (207) 223 (234) 239 (260) (161) 204 (189) 224 (216) 245 (244) 260 (270) (171) 225 (199) 245 (226) 266 (253) 281 (279) (178) 240 (206) 263 (234) 283 (261) 303 (289)
Diet costs with 0 to 50% DDGS $/Ton $7 to 9 per ton for every 10% of DDGS included in the diet
Inclusion Rates of DDGS ItemRecommendMaximum Gestation50 Lactation3040 Nursery, Nursery, Grow-Finish3045 Late Finish2030
Tip 4: Reduce or eliminate inorganic phosphorus
H. H. Stein Effect of Phytase STTD, % Almeida and Stein, 2010 * P < 0.05 * *
Phytase diets Diet1234 Phytase05000 Corn SBM DDGS DCP OthersTo 100% 15 Total P STTD P0.32 Almeida and Stein, 2010
Effects on Performance Diet1234P < DDGS P < phytase Phytase Initial BW, kg ADG, g ADFI, g G:F Final BW, kg P retention P excretion Almeida and Stein, 2010
Tip 5: Look for alternative feed ingredients Consider other small grains Wheat Sorghum Barley Oats 107% or lower 96% or lower 85% or lower 80% or lower
Tip 5: Look for alternative feed ingredients Consider other co-products Wheat middlings Hominy feed Bakery by-products
Fish meal replacements Fermented soybean meal Enzyme-treated SBM Intestinal peptide products Crystalline amino acids Tip 5: Look for alternative feed ingredients
Tip 7: Review your feed additives Calculate economic return (New Diet $ - Old Diet $) x 100 = % improvement Old Diet $ in F/G needed to pay for itself Consider other benefits – gain – carcass quality – death loss
Checklist Start with what you can control Check the particle size of your feed Maximize the use of DDGS in your diets Reduce or eliminate inorganic phosphorus Look for alternative ingredients Use fish meal replacements Review your feed additives
H. H. Stein Thank you for your attention