Strategies in Local Mission Carol Cartmill & Roberta Lyle
Online Resources
Vision for Local Mission Our Purpose is: to build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians On Vision: Changing lives, transforming communities, renewing churches
Vision for Local Mission We are disciples on a lifelong Journey: To know, love and serve God & others!
Emergency Relief Individual Betterment Community Development
HousingEducation Economic Development Health & Wellness
RelationshipLeadership CapacityMutually designed planResources
Focus and Go Deeper Laser beam focus versus diffused light Where are you already involved? Can you capitalize on existing relationships? And, your reputation for being trustworthy?
Christmas in October teams deployed in the Wendell Phillips / Paseo neighborhood
The BEDs Ministry deployed in partner schools
BEDs Ministry Volunteers
Get to Know the Community Spend time with, and listen to: Residents Schools Other churches Non-profits Homeowners’ & neighborhood associations Businesses Politicians
Gentlemen of the Round Table Beginning repairs on house purchased with 2013 Easter grant
Leadership Capacity Indigenous Leaders We cannot move faster and beyond the capacity of indigenous leadership to implement and sustain efforts Internal capacity/leadership Leadership Teams Recruiting People oriented vs. task oriented
Cultural Competency Working with those from different racial and socio-economic backgrounds Urban Volunteer Training “What You Don’t Know Matters” Developed with input from urban leaders – What do ministry leaders want our volunteers to know before they come and serve?
Mutually Designed Plan Partners are at the table to work on solutions – it’s not about us! Plans must be sustainable – so that we do not create a culture of dependency Then….we move to the resource conversation. It starts with identifying the assets already within the community. Every community has resources!
Gentlemen of the Roundtable rebuild the neighborhood playground
Fundraising & Donation Ideas Make it visual – bags, backpacks, baskets Parties – neighborhood, birthday, anniversaries Club events – races, walks, car show, motorcycle ride Outside grants Special offerings – Christmas Eve offering – Easter Grant
Accountability & Transparency Vetting for financial integrity We do not over-resource (as a % of operating budget) and create dependency Our congregants have access to information – know how resources are being deployed We cultivate similar practices with our partner
Reporting, Evaluation & Metrics We ask for receipts, financial statements, and progress reports Capture challenges and celebration stories Our staff, steering team and program leadership evaluate ministries for effectiveness Metrics are a challenge – KCK 1400 Diplomas+
Stopping or Transitioning Ministries We have to ask, is this work ours to do? Is it in our wheelhouse? Has it outgrown our capacity? Are we still effective? Stop, transition or spin off
Strategies in Local Mission Carol Cartmill & Roberta Lyle