INIS Activities in INDONESIA 37 th Consultative Meeting of INIS Liaison Officers Vienna, Austria, October 2014 Heru UMBARA
BATAN’s Research Center
3 1.2 MW TRIGA Mark II Reactor Bandung, Pasar Jum’at, Irradiation facility Reactor Kartini, 100 kW, Yogyakarta, Reactor GA Siwabessy, 30 MW, Serpong, Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL), Batan HQ, Jakarta Total : app workforces BATAN’s Main Facilities
Data preparation and input to INIS database: 162 records; Promotion of INIS in Universitas Tadulako – Palu Technical guide to user Promotion and services of INIS product SOP for inputting data 4 Activity in 2012
Data preparation and input to INIS database: 206 records; Promotion of INIS in University of Halu Oleo- Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara dan University of Bangka Belitung INIS Training and Seminar Technical guide to user Promotion and services of INIS product Activity in 2013
Promotion of INIS in University Halu Oleo-Kendari
Promotion of INIS in University Bangka Belitung
8 Data preparation and input to INIS database: 258 records; Promotion of INIS in University Riau and in National Scientific Forum INSINAS 2014, Bandung, West Java Technical guide to user Promotion and services of INIS product Activity in 2014
Promotion of INIS in Universty Riau - Sumatra
Promotion of INIS in National Scientific Forum INSINAS 2014
Indonesia Contribution to INIS database TahunJumlah s/d Jumlah3.594
INIS Linkage Link of INIS at the Homepage of BATAN website Distribution of leaflets and posters to all stakeholders / universities having websites about free INIS access INIS Newsletter sent to all at stakeholders and placed at website
Digital BATAN Library
Promotion of INIS activities Indonesia has established links with INIS/IAEA since BATAN is responsible for all activities of INIS and its promotion in the country. INIS input is being submitted regularly. Literature searches are provided not only to BATAN but also to other research organizations including universities. INIS output products (full text) are made available to the end user free of cost.
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