Ralphs By: Lindsay Kiker, Drew Summerfield, Brandon Berguia, Matt Falcone
Pricing Strategy Week #1: Use a % of market share from past records. Week #2: Increase price on items that were stocked out. Week #3: Increase high selling items prices. Week #4: Decrease price of low selling items. Week #5: Decrease all prices to sell out.
Assortment Bottled Water-NB Bottled Water-PL Chips-NB Soda-NB Soda-PL Steak-PL Niche Specialty (Fajitas)-PL
Biggest Risk Picking a location in the city center. No easy way to predict demand Demographics vary widely Heavy foot traffic Loyalty City center is more fitting for an all organic store.
Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5 11%10%12% 13% Market Share Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week Profit Margin ROAGMROISales/Sq Foot
Highest Selling Products 1.Niche-Fajitas 2.Orange Juice-NB 3.Milk-NB 4.Cereal-NB* 5.Yogurt-NB*
Future Steps Better predict foot traffic Run promotions centered around community events Increase prices to better meet demographics Add in more specialty items Add more products Increase sales per square foot