Healing in the Bible Questions:  Who does Jesus heal?  Why (do you think) Jesus heals them?  What are their reactions / those of the people around them?


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Presentation transcript:

Healing in the Bible Questions:  Who does Jesus heal?  Why (do you think) Jesus heals them?  What are their reactions / those of the people around them? Passages:  Mark 5:22-43  Matthew 8:14-17  Matthew 9:1-8  Matthew 12:9-14

“If one of your friends asked you why a loving all-powerful God would allow suffering in the world how would you respond?” Passages:  Hebrews 2:14-18  1 Peter 4:12-19  Romans 8:18-30  Colossians 1:24-29  Matthew 26:36-46

Does God heal today? Bob Light’s testimony Passages:  Matthew 28:19  James 5:13-15  Matthew 7:7-11 Share & Pray – Suffering & healing.