Effective Time Management CUR/516 DR. PATRICIA LUOPA BY JOHN C. REYNOLDS
Introduction Effective time management skills are vital to our organization. Time management skills effects: Effectiveness of employees, leaders and management officials Emotional Health Quality of Life Individual Productivity The last leadership survey described in detail the issues resulting from ineffective time management skills.
Purpose To implement a training program that improves the effectiveness and quality of life of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) supervisors and management officials through improved time management skills.
Description of Project This course will provide leaders with effective skills and practices to improve management skills. Advantages, principles and benefits of effective time management Identification of goals Time audit Daily distractors Advantages to delegation Target audience is the TSA Supervisors and Managers (Management Study Guide, 2014)
ADDIE Model The ADDIE Model is the accepted design model use by Department of Homeland Security. A – Analysis D – Design D – Development I – Implementation E – Evaluation The ADDIE Model will guide us through the steps of this project. (Brown & Green, 2011)
Analysis Need : To improve the effectiveness and quality of life of TSA supervisors and management officials through improved time management skills (Validated by survey results) Root Cause : Lack of knowledge and skills of the learners in areas of effective time management. (Validated by survey results) Leaders are constantly complaining that they never have enough time to complete projects and tasks. Leaders state that the do not have sufficient time to perform monthly performance coaching sessions with subordinates. Leaders are having quality of life issues because of the feeling of being overwhelmed and overworked.
Analysis Expected Learner Behaviors: Enthusiastic – Ready to embrace the change. Willing to express approval of the change and make attempts to convince others to see the benefits of the change. Followers – These employees will do only as they are told and whatever is necessary to complete the assignment. Objectors – The objector will take every opportunity to display their resistance to the change. Objectors will make every attempt to influence and persuade other employees to see their view of the change. Underground - The underground employee is one who does not want to be recognized as resisting the change publicly. The underground fears being punished or losing their job or position if they express any resistance to the change. (Allan, 2015)
Goals To improve the effectiveness of the supervisors and managers by utilizing improved time management practices/techniques. Students should be able to describe the principles of effective time management and provide advantages of the use of effective time management concepts by citing two examples. Students should be able to describe the benefit of a time audit and provide the benefits to a time audit by identifying ineffective use of time within a 24 hour period. Students should be able to implement a time management plan and describe the two advantages for the use of a time management plan. To improve the quality of life issues for the supervisors and managers through effective time management practices/techniques. Students should be able to identify technology workplace distractors by describing siting three practices to improve workplace efficiency. Students should be able to describe the benefits to effective workplace goal setting and provide disadvantages for failing to set effective goals by siting two examples Students should be able to describe the use of delegation and provide advantages to effective delegation by describing two positive workplace outcomes.
Course Description The learning objectives are designed to be collaborative learning. The student body will be learning from both the ethnic and workplace experimental diversity of the students within the class. Instructional Activities: The learning environment will be open-ended to facilitate student involvement. The class will be taught using the facilitated instructional techniques. The learning environment will be oriented toward the learner and improving their time management skills. Activities will focus on improving the use of current available technologies and electronic devices to assist with improving time management skills.
Course Strategies Teaching strategies: Use of open-ended questions Small group problem solving Classifying positive and negative Cooperative learning practices Instructional Technologies: Projection slides by use of a projector Sound projection system Use of instructional videos Smart phones and tools within Microsoft Outlook
Class Content Introduction and team building exercise Principles and advantages of effective time management Time audit and a time management plan Workplace distractors and delegation Goal setting Capstone exercise (Management Study Guide, 2014)
Development The course is a four-hour course, and there are 200 students within the targeted audience. We expect to start the training on April 27, Individuals involved: Facilitators – 2 for morning sessions – 2 for afternoon sessions 1 Administrative Official (used in the class kickoff) Each class will be limited to 20 students - 10 classes (two per day) will fully train the workforce within one week.
Class Schedule Monday April 27, 2015 Tuesday April 28, 2015 Wednesday April 29, 2015 Thursday April 30, 2015 Friday May 1, 2015 Morning Session Morning Session Morning Session Morning Session Morning Session Afternoon Session Afternoon Session Afternoon Session Afternoon Session Afternoon Session
Communication Plan: We expect to announce the program and the class offerings on March 24, This will provide the students with 30+ days’ notice prior to the start of any training classes. The classes will be announced by senior management and follow- up the verbal announcement with a directed to each of the targeted management officials. The will provide the students with specific enrollment information.
Classroom Materials 200 mini-note pads 40 sticky backed easel pads 5 easel stands Projector and screen Computer with connection to the internet Sound system Laser pointer w/ slide flipping capability 2 dollars in pennies
Classroom Layout Four students per table Flip charts will be arranged around each of the tables Students will be divided equally amongst the five tables Instructor’s Table Projection Screen
Formative Assessments Per-course knowledge assessment is given at the beginning of the class A second student assessment is given at the end of class. The rationale behind the two tests is to demonstrate a change in student knowledge because of the course materials. The standardized level one instructor/course evaluation (Kirkpatrick's Model). There is an informal assessment at the conclusion of the capstone exercise. Feedback is given to the student by a facilitator. (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2010)
Evaluation Instruments The differences between the pre-test and the post-test will be used to demonstrate a change in student knowledge. The tests will consist of multiple choice questions focused on the course goals. A self-assessment performance rating will also be used so the students can validate their own learning trends. This assessment will be based upon a 5-point Likert-type scale. During the capstone exercise, the facilitator will evaluate the team on its abilities to create an effective time management practice. (Brown & Green, 2011)
Assessment Criteria Review of the student evaluations to determine the student’s response to the training course Review the pre/post-course assessments Review the capstone evaluation assessments Review feedback from the course instructors 45 days later reassess the students to determine knowledge or skills have changed as a result of the training – Kirkpatrick Level 2 (Brown & Green, 2011)
References Allan, L. (2015, Spring). Employee Resistance to Change. Retrieved from management/resistance_to_change.html Brown, A., & Green, T. (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Educational. Hodell, C. (2011). ISD From the Ground Up (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press. Management Study Guide. (2014, Spring). Time Management - Meaning and its Importance. Retrieved from Wlodkowski, R., & Ginsberg, M. (2010). Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.