Jennifer Ambrose, PhD Hanson Center Assistant Director
What does the Hanson CTC do? What does What does that What does that mean?
Schedule an appointment on the sheets outside the HCTC—room 2224 SC. Our tutors are engineering students with strong writing skills who will provide feedback and discuss your work with you. You can bring in any academic or professional writing: lab reports, research papers, poster presentations, resumes, cover letters, thank you letters—even your Rhetoric papers. Visit us at any stage of the writing process. How does it work?
Four Great Reasons to Visit the HCTC 1.Receive feedback about the writing process. 2.Gain competence and confidence as a writer. 3.Leave with a more polished and professional document. 4.Free candy. Don’t wait to schedule an appointment; the more time you have for revisions, the better your writing will be.
Questions? Contact or just stop by—we’re always happy to help. Fall 2015 hours: Monday-Friday, 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Sunday & Evening hours TBA. Scheduling: Appointment sign-up sheet posted on window outside door of 2224 SC.