Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self- directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment.
S-- Set high expectations O-- Objective M-- Meaningful curriculum E-- Effective R-- Resourceful and responsible life long learners S-- Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E-- Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T-- Teachers who are highly qualified
Invincible Adjective: Not to be conquered. Ex: Caesar’s Roman Legions were considered invincible.
Issues on the Bus Food being left on the floor and seats (crushed up chips on the floor, chocolate on the seats, etc) Food wrappers being left on the floor, seats and stuck into the cracks of the seats Drinks being spilled on the bus, floor, seats Drink bottles/cans being left on the bus Students are taking pictures and videos of other students without permission Students are blasting music so loudly that is a distraction to the driver (disruption of bus is considered a disruption of school function and is a misdemeanor) Students are out of seats, running up and down aisle, changing seats, chasing each other, horse-playing while bus is in motion (disruption of bus is considered a disruption of school function and is a misdemeanor) Students are throwing objects out of the windows of the moving buses (felony offense) Profane and offensive language has become pervasive
New Rules as a Result of Issues No open food is permitted on the bus No open or visible drinks are permitted on the bus No gum is permitted on the bus No electronic devices may be used on the bus Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion Students will keep hands, feet and all objects inside the bus at all times Students will refrain from using profane language on the bus.
Consequence of Violation: Tuesday Detentions Saturday Schools Bus Suspension Out of School Suspension Bus Riding Privileges Revoked Log onto the above website for testing dates, locations, and fees. Next test date is December 6 th. Deadline to register November 6 th.
Tardies: 3-4 transitional tardies in a 1 month period will result in an after school Tues detention at the end of the month. More than 5 transitional tardies will result in a Sat detention. US History EOC Prep Schedule: 9:30-12:30, Rm 109 Nov 15 Nov 22 Dec 6 Bio EOC Prep Schedule: 9:30-12:30, Rm 114 Nov 15Nov 22Dec 13 Announcements
Basketball Players All participants must complete the athletic packet with a physical and pay their $50 Athletic Participation fee before they are able to practice.
No Collar For A Dollar Wednesdays Month Of November and December
ATTENTION ALL AP CHEMISTRY CANDIDATES AND TEST RE-TAKERS A review session will be held each Friday afternoon 3:40-4:45, RM 114. The definitive schedule for the remainder of this semester will be given out at this first review. Students who intend to continue on into AP Chemistry this Spring or who are planning to re-take the exam in May are strongly encouraged to attend these sessions.
Step Team Step Team will be held Wednesdays after school. It’s a mixture of boys and girls. If you need more information ask Robyn.
Liberty Bell’s Deli on Tuesdays Orders may be placed during homeroom $5.00 full wrap and chips Turkey and Provolone, mayo, tomato, lettuce, onion Ham and Provolone, mayo, tomato, lettuce, onion Cheesesteak Wrap, provolone, grilled onions Drinks 75 Cents
Lunch from Wings Hut on Fridays Pick up your orders in 110 When: every Friday Place your order with payment on Thursday in homeroom 5 wings, with your choice of fried rice or French fries $5.00
Do you want to have fun while working with kids? Can you use some volunteer hours? Then I have the place for you. See Ms. F. in room 106 for volunteer schedule.
Announcements Class of 2016 Spring Break Trip London/Paris/Rome. Registration is now open 40 seats total—17 left open Tour Number: YW Spring Break 2015 Trip to Costa Rica There are 3 seats left open on the Costa Rica trip. Horse back riding through the rainforest, white water rafting, kayaking, planting a tree in the jungle, zip lining, exploring volcanoes and hot springs, and so much more. To learn more about the trip and register online for only $95, go to Tour Number: EX
APPLEBEE’S PANCAKE FUNDRAIASER Applebee’s Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support our school Saturday, November 15, am to 10am Location: South US HWY 1, Port St Lucie, FL Tickets cost: $10.00 Menu: Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambles eggs and a drink (coffee, juice, soda, or tea) See coach or the athletes for ticket sales.
$9.95 per month!!! ow-it-works ow-it-works Attention students: If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, you can get internet at home through Comcast for $9.95 per month.
5 Announcements Peer Tutoring Program: Mondays: English Room 103 or lunch Tuesdays: None Wednesdays: History, Room lunch & Math in Room 101 Thursdays: Science Room lunch Fridays: Spanish Room lunch After School tutoring: Math: Mondays Detention: Tuesdays English/Reading: Thursdays Social Science: After School By Appointment Sciences: Wednesday
Spartans! Blue Bins, Green bins, and large blue “trashcans” on campus are for recycling only! Do not put trash in BLUE/Green recycling bins! Pick-up is on Fridays or bring full containers to 115 to empty!! Mother Earth thanks you!
This year’s yearbook will be a special edition and a great one to have, especially for juniors! First Deadline- December: its only $35 (can be in two separate payments of $20 and $15) Second Deadline- January: price goes up to $40 (can be in two separate payments of $20 and $20) So buy your yearbooks now or else you’ll miss out on keeping this year’s greatest memories! Buy Your Yearbooks for the School Year!