FISHERIES POLICY PROCESSES, INSTITUTIONS AND SYSTEMS UNIT 1 - OVERVIEW Peter Manning (FAO) and Pio E. Manoa School of Marine Studies Faculty of Islands & Oceans University of the South Pacific Coastal Fisheries Policy and Planning Course, 28/01/08 – 8/02/08 Apia, Samoa Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Unit Objective: understand fisheries policy and policy processes, policy-making institutions and systems: how does this work?
Unit 1 Learning Outcomes: Understand process, influences and trends in fisheries policy Identify and apply relevant international and regional instruments in development of national policy Appreciate different types of national and local institutions in Pacific Islands region and their basis in law and policy
Unit 1 - Topics covered: Overview of fisheries policy and policy processes International and regional instruments and their relevance to national coastal fisheries policy Review of national institutions and systems and their policy and legislative framework Policy initiatives for strengthening participation of Pacific Island communities in coastal fisheries management and decision-making
what we will cover in this session.... definition of policy objectives of fisheries policy policy making process policy making – international/regional – national some trends in fisheries policy
a definition... Policy can be defined as ‘a course of action, proposed or adopted by those with responsibility for a given area and expressed as formal statements or positions’ – Sutton (1999)
Definition... Policy can be defined as ‘a course of action with clear objectives, proposed or adopted by those with responsibility for a given area and expressed as formal statements or positions’ – Sutton (1999) modified
national policies.... provide framework for decision-making provides the basis for legislation, plans and programmes have a long term purpose may vary with time
influences on fisheries policy... other national policies and priorities international commitments economic/social importance of marine resources development objectives
Common objectives for coastal fisheries policy among PICs... –social development –improved livelihoods and enhancement of social and economic benefits – sustainable use of fisheries resources – increased export of fish & fish products – food security
Policy process... defining and assessing scope of the policy engaging stakeholders developing the policy adopting the policy implementing policy monitoring and evaluating outcomes
Linear model of policy process: AGENDA DECISION IMPLEMENTATION policy issue on not on decision for reform decision against successfully implemented not successful
The policy process: a new look at the linear model ACP Fish II Feasibility Study Report, Technical Appendix 3A
Fisheries Ministry/Authority development of Coastal Fisheries Policy government & stakeholder endorsement implementation regional bodies national ministries community resource owners rights holders fishers traders Typical fisheries policy development framework Government
issues in policy making differences of opinion – need for compromise responsible ministry generally takes lead in policy process but important that policies are seen as fair and reasonable (legitimate) by stakeholders therefore consultation
policy making at international level some examples Binding international instruments: – 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea – 1995 UN Fish Stock Agreement Non Binding international instruments – 1995 FAO Code of Conduct – UNGA Resolutions
policy making at regional levels some examples Binding regional instruments: – Forum Fisheries Agency Convention – Noumea Convention Non Binding regional instruments – Coastal Fisheries Strategy – PIROP-ISA (the regional ocean policy)
Some trends in fisheries policy Fisheries conservation and management objectives broadening in scope New fisheries laws include internationally recognised principles and concepts Policy initiatives to secure greater national benefits have been introduced Policy initiatives to enhance community engagement in fisheries management applied in most countries
A coastal fisheries policy checklist Objectives Principles Initiatives and Actions – Communities – Conservation and Management of Fisheries – Integrated Coastal Zone Management – Access – Post-Harvest – Trade – Monitoring, Control and Surveillance – Enforcement – Research – Evaluation