Migration Profiles Maps on demographic and migratory flows with a focus on migrants presence in regional labour markets 1° Regional Consultation: Trieste, March 2014
"A Migration Profile is a country-owned tool, prepared in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, which can be used to enhance policy coherence, evidence-based policymaking and the mainstreaming of migration into development plans." (IOM, 2011) Migration is not only induced by socio-economic, political and environmental factors, but also significantly impacts various developmental areas Need to move towards integrated policymaking: taking into account migration processes and migration impact separately but simultaneously Need to create internationally comparable methodologies for evaluating migration policies and ensuring their coherence with other sectoral policies Migration profile as a tool for policy planning and transnational cooperation Rationale for introducing Migration Profiles
Realization of 9 migration profiles to be made available to the Working Groups of the Transnational Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation (output of WP7) Maps gathering together the same information for different partner countries/regions on migration flows, migrant residents and migrant workers (NUTS 2 detail) Unique format and structure for all the Migration Profiles developed and defined by the project Migration Profiles in MMWD project
Consecutive steps in order to build the Migration Profiles (MP): 1. Select the territorial level of analysis of the MP according to the institutional-administrative level of the MMWD partner country; 2. Search data at the level of the specific territorial administrations involved; 3. In absence of these data, the level of analysis to be considered will shift upward to the territorial area where information is available; 4. Establish a direct contact with the technical/institutional representative of each partner country in order to acquire the data otherwise not at disposal. The creation of Migration Profiles
Structure defined in accordance with the Lead Partner RER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: simple map based on the following dimensions - Resident foreign population by gender, age cohorts and citizenship; - Population flows: internal migration, immigration, emigration; - Immigrants presence in the labour market; - Foreign population by level of educational attainement; - Remittances/transfers of money to country of origin. EXTENDED VERSION: extensive report developing and widening the above listed dimensions and providing also a picture of the migration condition at the national level Migration Profiles structure
1. Utilisation of the data already produced within the project activities concerning the realization of demographic projections; 2. Desk research in order to identify what data and information are available among those needed for the Migration Profiles; 3. Investigation of the data that should be asked to the technical/institutional representative of each partner country taking also advantage of the gap analysis performed by region FVG; 4. Predisposition of.xls tables to be sent to local partners in order for them to provide the data still missing or indicate the sources where they could be extracted. Process of data acquisition
Italy: region Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Abruzzo Romania: Bistria-Năsăud county Slovenia: Goriska statistical region Austria: Salzburg state Serbia: Sumadjia and Pomoravlje districts Greece: region of Crete Bulgaria: city of Vratsa Regional focus of expected MP
Draft Romania (Bistria-Năsăud county) Draft Slovenia (Goriska Statistical region) Draft Austria (Salzburg State) Draft Serbia (Sumadjia e Pomoravlje) Example of Executive Summaries/Simple Maps
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Dr. Giovanni Viganò Dr. Emanuele Frezza SYNERGIA Milano (20124) - Via Mauro Macchi, 44 Tel Fax