Airborne vaccine A. Varicella Vaccine: Type: live attenuated vaccine. Administration: 0.5 ml s.c Immunity: 85%-90% for prevention of disease. 100%for prevention of severity. Target group: -children aged 18 months and up to 12 y who have not varicella before -contact of cases: if given within 3 days of exposure. Susceptible persons ˃ 13y e.g: health worker(2 doses,4-8 weeks apart.
Hemophilus Influenze type “b” Vaccine ( Hib Vaccine ): Type: The Hib conjugate &polysaccharides vaccine is an inactivated vaccine. Administration: 0.5ml I.M,3 or 4 doses Immunity: More than 95% of infants will be protected after two or three doses. Target group: -1 st dose:2m 2 nd dose:4m 3 rd dose:6m Final dose: 12-15m of age( given at the same time of any other vaccination).
- People ˃ 5y given Hib vaccine at any age especially: - -before surgery to remove spleen. - Following a bone marrow transplant. - Immunosuppression as sickle cell dis or HIV.
Pneumococcal Vaccine: Type:. conjugate &polysaccharides vaccine Administration: 0.5ml I.M,3 or 4 doses Immunity: ppsv23 is 60%-70% effective in preventing invasive disease. Pcv7 is 97% effective in preventing invasive disease.
Target group: 1 st dose:2m 2 nd dose:4m 3 rd dose:6m Final dose: 12-15m of age( not applicable till in egypt). For 2years or older who have immunosuppression condition(HIV, Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, organ transplant,……..)or take immunosuppressive therapy as steroid, cancer drugs or radiation therapy. -adults who have asthma or smokers.
Pertussis vaccine(whooping cough): Type:. DTaP and Tdap vaccines are "inactivated" vaccines(pertussis, dephteria, tetanus). For the pertussis component of DTaP and Tdap vaccines, purified components of the bacterium are grown and then inactivated Administration:0.5ml I.M. children get 5 doses(2,4,6,18m & 4-6y). Immunity: prevent the disease & prevent severity and mortality in the affected persons.
Target group: - children ˃ 4 yrears( no reaction of encephalitis). Single dose is given to pregnant mothers before given birth to her newborn to protect him from infection. -health care workers.
Foodborne dis vaccines Rotavirus Vaccine(leading cause of severe acute G.E among children world wide): Type: RotaTeq and Rotarix are both live attenuated vaccines. Administration: orally Immunity: 74% protection against any rotavirus dis and 98% against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis.
Target group:(recommend routine vaccination of all infants with rotavirus vaccine. -Rota Teq: given 3doses at 2,4,6 months. Rotarix: given 2doses at 2,4 months.
T yphoid vaccines:
New cholera oral vaccines: 1. 1-Live attenuated oral vaccine: type: Live attenuated vibrio cholera O1 that stimulate formation of antibodies which neutralize the cholera toxins Adminstration: Single oral dose immunity: Highly protective (up to 90%) and extremely immunogenic
2-Killed oral vaccine (WC/rBS): type: Heat or formalin killed whole cell vibrio choleraO1, classical and El-tor with purified recombinant B-subunit of cholera toxoid Adminstration: 2 doses, one or 2 weeks apart and booster after 2 years for adults and children over six years
Immunity:It stimulate antibacterial and anti toxic antibodies and attempts to stimulate intestinal mucosal immune response similar to that induced by natural infection. -Safe and produce a rapid short term protection of 85-90% during 6 months in all age groups after administration. These 2 new oral cholera are preferred than the old one because: They provide better immunity Fewer side effects Easy to be administered
Combined HAV&HAB Vaccine(Twinrix): type: the hepatitis A and hepatitis B combination vaccine for people 18 years of age and older. Administration: 3 doses of Twinrix can be administered at 0, 7, and days, followed by the 4th dose at 12 months later. immunity: full protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus infections.
Target group: -people traveling to areas with high rates of hepatitis A and hepatitis B and emergency responders, especially those being deployed to disaster areas overseas. - people 18 years of age and older.