Joe Biden and Paul Ryan Debate
Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan exchanged ideas over taxes, Medicare, national security and foreign policy at Thursday night’s debate in Kentucky. It is their only debate before Election Day. Polls appear to be split has to who debated better. One of the top jobs for the candidates in a vice presidential debate is to convince Americans that they would be able to step into the top job if something happened to the president. Many of the polls indicate that both men were seen as qualified to be president if necessary, by roughly equal numbers.
A North Dakota freshman walked in front of his class, made an apology and then shot himself with a handgun Thursday morning. The injured boy was coherent when he was taken to a hospital, said Principal Jay Townsend of Fairmont Public School, which has 112 students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Authorities don't know what the apology was about. Starting January 27, the price of a first-class stamp will increase one cent to 46 cents, the Postal Service announced Thursday. Postcard postage will rise one cent as well, to 33 cents. In an agreement that the National Association for the Deaf (NAD) calls "a model for the streaming video industry," Netflix has agreed to caption all of its shows by the year The online-streaming giant is already captioning 82 percent of its videos. Now, it's bound to finish its entire library, reaching the 90 percent mark in 2013 and 100 percent by 2014.