2 JThe Republic of Indonesia Statutory Chapter 27 article 2 JAct No. 1 / 1970, Occupational Safety & Health JAct No. 13 / 2003, Manpower; Chapter X, Subsection 5 : Occupational Safety and Health, Article 86 and 87 JMinister of Man Power Regulation No. Per 05/MEN/1996, Occupational Safety & Health Management System Protects the labor from accident and illness in their workplace to provide a better and proper live.
3 The proportion of Indonesia’s Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in 2001 are very high, % of all industries; The Number of Companies Small (≤ 25 workers)141,894 (83.70 %) 2 Medium (26 – 99 workers) 14,970 (8.83 %) 3 Large (≥ 100 workers) 12,660 (7.47 %) Total 169,524
4 Inspection object and Safety Inspector Inspection object (enterprises) in 2002 : Number of labour inspector : Functional inspectors : 910 Structural inspectors : 389 Total workforces : million Women workforces : million (36,08%) 45 % of total workforces in agriculture Implementation of labour legal aspect
5 Occupational Accident in Indonesia
6 PERCENTAGE ACCIDENT CASE BY WORKER Year Accident Cases Number % Accident by Worker EnterprisesWorker , , , , , ,48
7 % Accident Cases to Total Workers and % Fatality to Total Accident
8 Frequency Rate FR = Ttl Cases x man hours
9 ACCIDENT CASES BY COMPENSATION PAID NoYearAccident Case Compensation Paid (Rp.) ,51083,316,557, ,902102,439,839, ,774131,266,539, ,804158,045,163, ,846190,607,146, ,418102,461,450,125
10 ACCIDENT PREVENTION STRATEGY (1) Development of OSH Culture and Behavioral Safety Management through OSH Management System Implementation, OSH Campaign, OSH Award Empowering OSH Organization and OSH Professional at the Company Level : OSH Organization (OSH Committee & Occupational Health Services ) OSH Professional ( OSH Experts, Industrial Physicians, Industrial Nurses, Industrial Hygienist, Safety Engineer, Safety Representative)
11 ACCIDENT PREVENTION STRATEGY (2) Empowering OSH Professional Organization and Association (AK3, Ikatan Ahli Hiperkes, IDKI, IAK3, AK3 Konstruksi, AK3 Kimia, KNRCI dsb) Risk Based Program Develop OSH Regulation, Standard and Guideline
12 PROGRAMS Ministry Regulation No. 05 Year 1996 concerning OSH Management System Gov Regulation for OSH-MS implementation ACT No. 13 YEAR 2003 Article 87 Compulsory in every company to implement OSH Management System
13 Country Competitiveness Vs Safety