USSASA PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT ON 01 MARCH 2005 USSASA BACKGROUND USSASA is the National organisation co- ordinating school sport in South Africa. It is recognised by government and SASCOC in this role.
USSASA is a multi-coded organisation modelled on the sports structure of a school. It is made up of a National Executive Committee supervising 26 Code Committees, an Indigenous Games Committee as well as an LSEN Committee. (This national structure together with representatives from all the Provinces and Regions make up the National General Council)
USSASA has 9 Provincial structures which are similar to the National structure, 44 Regional structures, 206 District/Zone structures and 1114 Circuit/Sub-Zone structures to which about schools are affiliated.
The biggest problem at the moment is that there is no funding available for all the activities taking place at Regional, District and Circuit levels; while National and Provincial activities are partly funded. Poor children still do not fully enjoy their right to participate in sport.
14 million learners and more than educators, parents and other volunteers are involved in the organisation at all levels – from School to International. Considering that most learners participate in at least 2 and some up to 6 codes of sport for both recreational as well as high performance purposes, it can be estimated that participation levels in school sport can reach 40 million if there was sufficient funding.
The Codes played under USSASA are : AquaticsAthleticsBadminton BaseballBasketballBoxing ChessCricketDance Sport DrummiesEquestrianFootball GolfGymnasticsHandball HockeyKorfballNetball PoolRugbyShooting SquashSoftballTable Tennis TennisVolleyballLSEN Codes Indigenousgames
RELATIONSHIPS WITH SENIOR FEDERATIONS USSASA has healthy relations with most of the Federations whose sport codes are played at school level. USSASA has a responsibility to ensure that relations with all its Senior Federations are good. The assistance of the SASCOC board may be needed in this regard.
USSASA AFFILIATIONS USSASA is affiliated to the Confederation of School Sports Associations of Southern Africa (COSSASA) and the International Schoolsport Federation (ISF). USSASA is an Associate member of SASCOC. All ‘Team South Africa’ responsibilities of USSASA have been transferred to SASCOC. We are very happy that SASCOC has set up a School Sport Commission to take care of this.
The placement of the MASS PARTICIPATION component of USSASA has still not been fully addressed. USSASA understands that government has accepted all MASS PARTICIPATION responsibilities in sport. The details of the delivery structures thereof have not yet been discussed and finalised with all affected stakeholders.
NEED FOR STATUTORY RECOGNITION FOR USSASA AS PART OF THE MASS PARTICIPATION DELIVERY STRUCTURE The statutory recognition, appreciation and protection of some volunteers delivering Mass Participation and Sport-for-all programmes for millions of learners in our country needs to be seriously considered.
The alternative would be for government to employ thousands of coaches, officials and administrators. Such a structure would possibly take the shape of the Arts Councils / the Aids Council / the HSRC or the CSIR etc. Such a structure would also facilitate co-operation between various departments for addressing various government priorities (Crime; HIV/Aids; Poverty; etc).
There may also be a need to regulate the functioning and funding of such a structure to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the envisaged programmes; as well as its relationship with National Federations. Such legislation would also go a long way to easing the beaurocratic tensions between the Education and Sports Departments at National and Provincial levels.
USSASA PROGRAMMES USSASA runs development programmes from National level cascading to the local level and schools. These are mainly human resource development projects (admin; coaching; technical) but sometimes include supply of equipment, provision of facilities and upgrading of facilities. All these depend on available sponsorship or funding
USSASA and all its structures organises recreational and competitive events at all levels. SCHOOL-TO-NATIONAL LEVEL EVENTS AquaticsAthletics Winter GamesCross Country Summer Games Sponsored events : Chappies MTN Kay Motsepe ShopriteLovelife Games
INTERNATIONAL LEVEL EVENTS COSSASA Athletics COSSASA Ball Games : Football;Netball;Volleyball;Basketball ISF Championships : (School teams) Swimming;Athletics ;Tennis; Basketball;Volleyball;Football; Gymnastics;Table Tennis;Badminton; Handball.
ISF Gymnasiade : (Representative teams – Every 4 years)) Athletic; Aquatics; Gymnastics Pacific School Games : (Representative teams – Every 4 years) Athletics; Aquatics; Basketball; (For the different ability groups)
USSASA ADMINISTRATION USSASA National Office Rented Office Office Furniture and equipment Running expenses for the office Support for the structure Staffing requirements:1 General Manager 4 Managers 6 support staff
Provincial and Regional Offices Office space Furniture and equipment Running expenses for the office Support for the structure Staffing requirements: Office Manager Support staff Support staff
TRANSFORMATION OF SPORT IN S.A. USSASA’S ROLE USSASA’s potential to contribute towards the transformation of sports in South Africa is guaranteed by the existence of its structures in all corners of South Africa.
The success of its interventions depend on the availability of funds to take ALL sport codes to ALL the corners of the country Talent Identification and Development must happen (and accurate records must be kept) from the lowest level (Circuit level) of the structure.
A very close relationship between the USSASA structures and the Sports Academy system is crucial for this. Regular recreational and competitive sports activities must happen (and be seen to be happening) at Circuit and District level.
USSASA volunteers must be kept motivated (especially those operating at the lower levels) to drive these processes. Identified talent must be fed into the academy system and the development programmes of the Senior Federations.
The best talent within a school and from Circuit activities must be directed to the local clubs. (USSASA must continue providing opportunities for all other learners) Emerging talent at District and Regional events must be directed to the Satellite academies for further development and mentoring.
Talent identified at Provincial and National events must be directed to the Provincial and the National Academies. USSASA must have dedicated TID managers/officials at all levels of the structure.