Our members tell us… I have worked in local government for 27 years and have never known it to be so stressful...we are expected to do the jobs of 2 or 3 people for the same money as we were being paid years ago.....I used to have the best job in the world and all I am doing now is dismantling the civilised society that was once local Government’ UNISON member, North West
Are you valued or taken for granted? Councils and schools used to be places people wanted to work - but now: “feeling undervalued”, “low pay” and “a lack of promotion prospects” – key reasons for leaving. You say protecting pay and conditions is the most important way to help provide better services.
Top reasons for wanting to leave your job... Feeling undervalued in my job Pay too low Lack of promotion prospects Having to compromise on standards Over-worked Staff shortages Lack of resources to do my job Managers treatment of staff Job too stressful
The pay claim: Deletion of all local pay points which fall below the UK Living Wage (of £7.85 per hour). A flat rate increase of £1 per hour on all other pay points. Keeping and protecting Green Book Part 2 terms and conditions. Fair treatment for school support staff through a joint review of term-time working.
The situation we’re in: Cuts to jobs, pay and conditions - heavy workloads Rising expectations and little respect Reorganisations and restructuring Younger members on fixed term/temporary contracts “I feel increasingly cut off from ‘life’. Low pay, increasing living costs. I cannot afford dental care yet am not entitled to free service. I cannot afford a pension. I rarely go out with friends because I cannot afford to.” Part-time UNISON member, North West
Respect and reward Your pay - worth 20% less than in while the rich get richer. Britain's richest 1% have as much wealth as the poorest 55% put together. Why should your family suffer? Everyone, no matter what pay grade, is worse off because of the cuts...
Falling incomes for everybody
Falling income falling pension 1% public pay cap but… From April 2016 your national insurance contributions will rise by 1.4! While pay levels are kept low, so is your pension.
Falling incomes Osborne’s bogus ‘national living wage’ starts April A “living wage” label on a new national minimum wage of £7.20 an hour for 25s and over. Not the real UK Living Wage that UNISON campaigns for. The real UK Living Wage is £7.85 per hour and takes the cost of living into account. Osborne’s rate...doesn’t.
Don’t take the tax credit Any pay rise from Osborne’s ‘national living wage’ will be wiped out People earning £15,000, £25,000, and even £30,000 or more could face big cuts in their tax credits. An average household receiving tax credits will lose £1,350 a year. Find out online, in three easy ‘clicks’, how much you could lose with UNISON’s tax credit calculator. Your branch can help you.
In your own words I am already on a low income and recent cuts and price rises have meant that in real terms my wages have decreased substantially. How can the council pay less than £900 net per month for a 30 hr week - I'm classed as part time. If it wasn't for working family tax credit and child tax credit I wouldn't be able to afford a roof over our heads... School Support Worker, North West
But its not just about pay Terms and conditions slashed. Reviews, reorganisations and redundancies. Work pressure and stress. ‘ just feel undermined and devalued at every corner at the moment. Constant changes, greater workload for stagnated pay. Life is a struggle.’ UNISON member, Northern Ireland
Term-time contracts We want a review: Unfair and bad for morale. Formulas for converting full-time pay to term-time. Holiday entitlement - a mess. Difficult to claim benefits. Unpaid hours - dedicated but demoralised.
In your own words… “As a school support worker, I could not support myself on my salary alone, let alone a family. Most of these jobs are done by women. Is this why the pay is so low?” UNISON school member, South East
What we can do Join our campaign for pay justice. Make your voices heard and your jobs seen. We are campaigning for more funding for councils. Negotiating to restore pay levels for the entire workforce. Make our voices heard and our jobs seen. Stand up together for our jobs and what we do.
We want local government that... Values and appreciates you. Pays you well for the important job you do. Protects your terms and conditions. Rewards and respects your loyalty. Provides prospects for promotion. And a decent pension for retirement. All adds up to: Local services delivered by a well paid, well rewarded and motivated workforce with jobs to be proud of.
Join our campaign for pay justice Talk to friends, colleagues and workmates. Together we are stronger - your voice is louder. UNISON knows local authorities are under financial pressure. But so is your household income... Sign up for updates, be part of our campaign. Spread the word – UNISON will fight for the job do.
Next steps The Employers will make an offer – keep in touch. The Joint Trade Union Side will meet to decide whether any offer is acceptable for putting out to all our members for consultation. Keep in touch with your branch and the campaign at unison.org.uk/NJCpay16-17.