DAILY RESPONSE THURSDAY – 1. Which mental illness was the most interesting to you and why? Be specific! 2. Staple both your research and the notes you took in groups yesterday. Turn them both in with your name and period on them. 3. Pick up the assignment for today too. 4. Review Mental Illness notes for the Quick Check!!!!
More than just sad
TED Talk – 12 min
Complete problem #1 on your assignment.
Clinical depression is a mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything. (#2) Sadness is a normal, healthy reaction to an unhappy event. When you are sad, you may feel easily discouraged and have less energy. (#3)
A. Depression is just a feeling; you can snap out of it if you try. B. Only a few "crazy" people really get depressed. C. Depression only occurs when bad things happen. D. It's easy to make yourself feel better. E. There's nothing you can do to treat depression. F. Only adults suffer from depression. G. Therapy is when you lie on a couch talking about your childhood. H. Antidepressants can help anybody with depression. I. People dealing with depression don’t experience extreme highs (#4)
Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and remembering details Fatigue and decreased energy Feelings of guilt Feelings of helplessness and/or pessimism Insomnia or excessive sleeping Irritability or restlessness Rebellious behavior Overeating or appetite loss Persistent aches or pains, headaches etc… Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities (#5)
Trusted Adults (teachers, parents, clergy) Counseling Antidepressants Psychotherapy (Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider.) There are no “instant” solutions to Clinical Depression (#6)
80% of people with clinical depression who have received treatment significantly improve their lives Woman experience depression about twice as often as men 1 in 4 young adults will suffer an episode of depression before age 24 People who are depressed are more prone to illnesses like colds than non-depressed people Depression affects all people regardless of age, geographic location, demographic or social position
Over 8% of adolescents in the US suffer from depression at any given time The World Health Organization estimates that depression will be the 2 nd highest medical cause of disability by the year 2030 Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
Cross off problem #8.
1. Simplify your life a. cut back on obligations 2. Write in a journal a. great way to express emotions 3. Have a support group 4. Don’t isolate yourself a. participate in social activities 5. Take care of your body a. exercise, eat right, sleep 6. Use stress management 7. Don’t make important decisions when “down” Source: Mayo Clinic (#9)