Clinical Coaching Jeremy Clorfene, Ph.D. Head Psychologist Advocate Weight Management Rebecca Lepoff, LCSW Behaviorist Advocate Weight Management
Typical Patient Issues / Typical Clinician Issues What do you (we) experience and see everyday in our practice that blocks/inhibits a patient’s progress? Where do they resist? What are their obstacles? Why is the change so hard when it is so good for them? What are our (clinician) challenges in better serving our pts?
Major/Global Problem Areas For Patients: 1.Avoidant/denial of medical issues assoc. with wt. 2.Clinical Depression: major family, marital, financial, job, biochemistry issues. 3.“Food Addiction” / Binge Eating disorder 4.Motivation: staying committed 5.Compliance (non-compliance) on meal plan 6.Emotional/Stress eating
Major (specific) Problem Areas: 1.Night-time eating 2.Drive-thru eateries 3.Unrealistic weight goals 4.Constant excuses 5.Constant negativities 6.“Self-sabotage” 7.Social eating 8.Can’t exercise
Clinician Problem Areas 1.Frustrations towards patient’s lack of compliance 2.Compassion fatigue: poor results draining 3.Difficulty confronting patient… “don’t want them angry with me” 4.Projective negative judgments… “lazy” 5.Taking too much ownership of their behavior 6.Managing pt’s anger with you or at staff
Discussion-Problem Solve What patient issues do you see most? What patient issues you (we) get stuck on? – Examples? (note cards) What clinician (your) issues concern your most? What clinician (you/staff) issues need to be improved? – Examples? (note cards)
Key Point We are not fixing them! We are guiding, teaching, supporting, caring!
The Tools Ask the patient what the solution is Ask the patient what has worked Ask the patient what they are truly willing to do Write down on note card their goals Write down what it means to achieve their goal(s) Can you increase frequency of visits Refer to your network of good resources Compassionate/patience/persistence