Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Our School Aim is for all our children to be ‘Learning to Learn – Learning for Life’
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Our School Vision is: To enable our children to develop as enthusiastic and resilient learners, enjoying academic, cultural and physical challenges. To provide a school curriculum which embraces our locality and the wider global community. To embed opportunity for our children to grow as global citizens.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life In brief, the aim will develop in our children the 6 key spirits of: *Determination*Self-belief *Teamwork*Respect *Passion *Honesty thus enabling us to achieve our vision.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life These spirits are from the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark (we currently hold the Silver Mark) and were introduced very successfully during the school year 2014/15. The following slides show how we might encourage the children to develop the spirits across all aspects of their learning.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Determination Keep going no matter what. Have the mental strength and the self-discipline to overcome obstacles, commit to your goals and keep working every day to become the very best you can be. Don’t hold back! I recognise my achievements and celebrate them. I recognise how different learning contexts affect my motivation. I manage distractions both at school and when doing my homework.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Self-belief You’ve got to believe to achieve. Have the self-belief and confidence to succeed and reach your personal best. I review my own work; identify what I have done well and what I can do to improve it. I ask for feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism. I set my own targets and know what I have to do to meet them.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Teamwork Treat everyone equally, support each other’s and work together to have fun and achieve. Celebrate each other’s’ success. Be a good friend and a positive team player in school, sport and life. I team up with others to work towards goals we agree through discussion. I reach agreements and can manage discussions. I adapt my behaviour to suit different roles and situations.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Respect Treating others politely and with understanding. Accepting life’s ‘ups and downs’ with grace. Respect every day, in everything you do and for everyone around you. I show fairness and consideration to others. I always try to understand the point of view of another person. I can spot the causes of other people’s emotions and actions.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Passion Giving it 100%, putting your heart and soul into whatever you are doing and never giving up. Care about what you do and the people around you, and approach each opportunity with enthusiasm and positivity. I plan, carry out and finish an activity for the satisfaction of having created or learned something. I am prepared to put forward my ideas or answers, even if they are not the same ideas as others. I try alternative or different approaches to succeed.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Honesty With others and with yourself. Have the courage to do the right thing. Be truthful and promote fairness in every situation. I talk about my feelings when I succeed or find problems in my work. I give constructive support and feedback to others in a sensitive way. I know that if I am wrong about something, I can learn from it.
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life By developing these 6 spirits throughout our provision, we will achieve our aim of enabling our children to: ‘learn how to be learners’ and to understand how ‘learning leads to further learning’ (Learning to Learn)
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Similarly we will be: ‘ providing our children with the skills, knowledge and experience to allow them to successfully move onto the next stage of their lives’ and encouraging them ‘to become lifelong learners’ (Learning for Life)
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life We want to embed these skills across all aspects of the children’s learning and we will achieve this by drawing together: : The Beckwithshaw Bond The School Curriculum Global Learning Health and Fitness Philosophy for Children (P4C) British Culture and Values Active learning Enrichment weeks
Learning to Learn – Learning for Life Our School Aim Learning to Learn – Learning for Life