KS2 Spelling Workshop Marlborough Primary School For every child’s bright future… Malala Yousafzai
KS2 Spelling Workshop National Curriculum 2014 & Spelling School Provision Teaching & Learning Home Learning Questions?
NC 2014 & Spelling Reception & KS1 (Years 1 & 2) Spelling based on phonics Children learn to segment to spell Children learn there are different ways of spelling the same sound e.g. boy coin Children learn there are ‘tricky words’ e.g. said, go, to, which require spelling to be by sight rather than sound Year 2 Continue to build on phonic awareness Children learn about tense changes Children are introduced to prefixes and suffixes e.g. –ed and -ing Children learn about syllables
NC 2014 & Spelling KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) Statutory spelling lists consisting of words frequently used in writing and commonly mis- spelled Spelling is based on investigating patterns, rules and exceptions Spelling is based on morphology e.g. units of meaning that make up words e.g. prefixes, root words, suffixes Spelling is based on etymology i.e. how meaning helps us to spell
NC 2014 & Spelling Years 3 & 4 (Lower KS2) Adding the suffix -lyhappy- happily /y/ within wordsmyth, mystery /ou/young, touch, double Common prefixes & meanings dis, mis, in, im, re, sub, inter, anti, auto Suffix -ation Verb to noun inform- information -sure, -turemeasure, adventure -sion –ssion –tion -ciandivision, magician -ous (focus on root words)dangerous /ch/chef, scheme, chemist /s/science, scene /ei/ /eigh/ /ey/vein, weigh, obey Homophones & near homophones here/hear accept/except
NC 2014 & Spelling Years 5 & 6 (Upper KS2) -cious -tiousdelicious, cautious -cial -tialofficial, essential (initial) -antinnocent, assistant -ible -ableadorable, considerable -ibly -ablyadorably, considerably -fertransfer, transferred, transferring Hyphensco-ordinate ei exceptionsdeceive, ceiling Letter string ‘ough’bought, thought, although Silent lettersdoubt, knight, solemn -ce –se homophones noun - verb advice, advise practice, practise
School Provision Link between handwriting and spelling (visual memory) Dictation (auditory, syntax) Wordsmith ‘Word Detectives’ Bug Club
School Provision Bug Club Splits NC into units Units last 3-4 weeks Concept changes- tasks stay the same Diagnostic check Investigation Morphology Re-enforcing Exceptions Application Spelling list
School Provision Shift away from tests of memory Focus on patterns, rules and exceptions Teach how to apply to unknown words Children learn strategies What helps me to spell an unknown word? Use syllables Use phonics Word within a word Apply a rule Common errors
Teaching & Learning 1.The Investigation Begins! 2.Word-a-tron 3.Vanishing Tricks (spelling lists) 4.Mnemonics 5.Tricks for the Tricky Bits! 6.Word Families
Teaching & Learning Learn from mistakes- Odd One Out? Spelling journals- sticky notes Apply to writing
Home Learning Hangman/Smiley Man Highlighting tricky parts Spelling Ball Word games A S R E T N W Bug Club
Marlborough Primary School For every child’s bright future…