TAG CAR Karthick Singaram Arun Magesh
Problem Statement In Bangalore during the recent survey average of 2000 vehicle per day is violating traffic rules. Because of lack of traffic management system high number of traffic jam is happening Vehicle theft has been increasing in bangalore Its slow and not feasible to be tracked by using CCTV footage as the number plates can be easily tampered. and it takes lot of human effort in-order to track the missing car.
Need for CAR TAG'ing Self Billing system for traffic rules violation. To provide green corrider for emergency vehicles. To track your car with ease incase of theft. Day to day data analytics on the flow of traffic.
Why RFID? “RFID technology is replacing the old barcode technology of tracking inventory" RFID technology is a tool in an emerging trend of modern security and asset- management systems in the car rental industry. RFID tags and readers help automate inventory control while eliminating the use of clunky, expensive handheld barcode scanner guns.
How It Works? In this project we are using RFID as the technology of tracking, The RFID tags connect via radio waves to an electronic device on the car that reads the data stored on the tags. When a vehicle with a tag passes within the vicinity of an electronic reader, The reader picks up the tag data and relays it to a software system that tracks the activity of vehicles.
Block CLOUD RFID Reader RFID Reader SignaI 1 Signal 2 Controller
Traffic Violation When a tag is registered in the signal violating the traffic rules the vehicle information is sent to the server. Server will automatically credit bills in the vehicle's account. It involves signal jumping, driving in wrong direction and over speeding.
Green corridor Each emergency vehicle is resgistered as a special vehicle in the database. When an emergency vehicle crosses a signal the subsequent signal is given green signal to provide free corridor for the vehicle.
Car Theft Prevention As the car is being fitted with tags, its easy to track it. The RFID tag is registered with all the signals so its easy to keep track of it incase of theft of car Its is not possible to tamper the RFID as its write protected
Future advancement A self driving car can be also detected based on beacon. All vehicle has to made compulsary to have RFID tags like number plates High Power RFID reader can be used to detect the car speed also