1 Home Affairs Bureau Role in Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance by NG Hon Wah Principal Assistant Secretary Home Affairs Bureau Hong Kong SAR Government at the Asian Personal Data Privacy Forum Tuesday, 27 March 2001 PCO Boardroom, Hong Kong
2 Scope of HAB’s responsibilities: Human rights District administration Arts, recreation, heritage, culture and sports
3 1.Policy bureau for the Ordinance 2.HKSAR Government’s contact point with the PCO on house-keeping matters 3.Member of Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee
4 1.Policy bureau for the Ordinance Formulating guidelines, in consultation with the Department of Justice, on general issues concerning compliance by bureaux/department with the Ordinance Processing proposed amendments to the Ordinance Advising other bureaux/departments on proposed legislation, policies and practices which may have implications for the protection of privacy in relation to personal data Accountable to the Legislative Council on the operation of the Ordinance - answering LegCo questions concerning the Ordinance and acting as the Controlling Officer of the subvention granted to the PCO
5 2.HKSAR Government’s contact point with the PCO on house-keeping matters Processing the PCO’s bids for new resources in the Resource Allocation Exercise Half-yearly Progress Review Meeting to monitor expenditure Approving acting appointment when Privacy Commissioner is on leave or away from Hong Kong
6 3.Member of Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee Providing comments on draft Codes of Practice with particular reference to possible impact on data users within Government Putting forward views on matters relevant to the operation of the Ordinance U:/kitty/2703hab.ppt