S-5 slide 1 Power Plant Late 2000
S-5 slide 2 Power Plant A Bulgarian delegation is attending an international conference on nuclear power safety The deputy head of the delegation, Dr. Polikov, holds an impromptu press interview without authorization –He states »All nuclear reactors in Bulgaria are unsafe »He predicts a disaster within three months unless they are shut down »Polikov refuses to return to Sofia
S-5 slide 3 Power Plant — cont’d The head of delegation states that Polikov had for at least a year had shown evidence of mental instability –Apparently fostered by marital problems and heavy drinking Greenpeace, however, based on Polikov’s statement, is planing to disrupt the operations of Bulgaria’s nuclear plants
S-5 slide 4 Power Plant — cont’d Independent studies have confirmed that Bulgarian nuclear plants are basically safe –Most recent study was by the International Atomic Energy Agency Bulgaria’s power supply and economic development are dependent on these plants at least for the next five years Greenpeace has opened an office in Sofia –Police officials recommend closing it European Union officials are privately expressing great concern to Bulgarian officials