WIN 4 – Week 4
WIN 4:1 Cyberpunk: a science fiction subgenre featuring countercultural antiheroes trapped in a dehumanized, high-tech future. (The Matrix movies are examples.) Themes in the cyberpunk books and movies center around alienation and the loss of human emotions.
WIN 4:2 Decadence: a period of decline or deterioration in art or literature that usually follows an era of great achievement. At this time in America, many say the loss of innocence is due to the substitution of video games, YouTube videos, and text messages that replace books as a major source of entertainment. Whether these influences corrupt literature and turn it into a decadent age remains to be determined.
WIN 4:3 Defarge, Madame: a fictional villain in A Tale of Two Cities, a novel by Charles Dickens. Madame Defarge spends her time knitting a scarf. In the knitting is hidden a list of people to be killed during the French Revolution; she becomes a metaphor for vengeance. Madame Defarge & her scarf become symbolic of vengefulness and revolutionary excess.
WIN 4:4 Deus ex machina: Latin for ‘a god from a machine’. It refers to a person or thing, introduced suddenly and unexpectedly, that provides an artificial solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty. In ancient literature, a god like Zeus would arrive to solve a problem. In modern culture, you might find the SWAT team (or Bruce Willis) arriving just in time to save the nation.