Book 2 Chapter 15 Knitting By Yvonne Nguyen
Characters The Jacque ( The mendor of the road) Marquis Casper Dafarge Madame Defarge
Significance of the Chapter Title “…if madame my wife undertook to keep the registry in her memory alone, she would not lose a word of it- not a syllable of it.…”
Summary Dafarge brings a mender of the roads who is a Jacque The Jacque told the story of Casper’s death Madame Defarge starts knitting… A LOT! Defarge and his wife along with the peasant travel to Versailles to see the king and queen When they got there the peasant (Jacque) said “Long live the king!”(180)
3 Literary Devices Repetition – “He was not missed; for, nobody who crossed the threshold looked for him, nobody asked for him, nobody wondered to see only Madame Defarge in her seat…” (171) Imagery – “One old man says at the fountain, that his right hand, armed with a knife, will be burnt off before his face; that, into wounds which will be made in his arms, his breast, and his legs, there will be poured boiling oil, melted lead, hot resin, wax, and sulfur; finally, he will be torn limb from limb by for horses.”(177) Simile – “…Dafarge held him by the collar, as if to restrain him from flying at the objects of his brief devotion…”(181)
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