www2.computer.org Web Publishing Training Leo Wadsworth, Staff Manager April 2008
l Award-winning enterprise class open- source document and content management system l Able to manage millions of items/documents l Integrated with IEEE web accounts l Available on a variety of platforms, we are using Tomcat l Stores the content
l Award-winning enterprise class open-source portal server l Integrated with IEEE web accounts l True portal system with tightly integrated collaborative tools l Includes over 60 portlets l Page layout of portlets done using drag and drop l Available on a variety of platforms, we are using Tomcat l Displays the content
l World leading enterprise class open- source advertising server l Written using PHP l Able to server millions of impressions in a variety of formats l We are running PHP on Apache webservers l Displays promotions and rotating content
Liferay Terminology l A group of related pages is called a community l A community can only have one blog, one message board, and one wiki l User roles and permissions are typically defined at the community level l The overall page is defined using a theme l The theme determines the navigation and color scheme for the area l The page is formatted using page layouts. l Page layouts determine the number and size of the available columns, etc. l A page contains one or more portlets (applications) which are placed within the column(s) using drag and drop.
HTML Snippet l Normal HTML contains various regions within the code defined by tags such as,,, etc. l An HTML snippet contains only the code that would be *inside* the tag, so that it can be used on an overall page that has the other tags in other places. Do not include the tags in your code, or the page may not render properly. l HTML snippets can contain and tags.
Portlets - Collaboration Tools l Calendar l Shared calendar with task list, iCalendar support, etc. l Blogs l RSS feeds, threaded comments, notifications, tags, entry ratings, social bookmarking, etc. l Message Boards l RSS feeds, statistics, recent posts, notifications, administrative tools, fine-grained permissions, etc. l Wikis l Basic Wiki functions, major enhancements coming in Liferay version 5, now in Beta
Portlets – Content Display l For very simple content l Announcements Portlet l Primary display portlet l Alfresco Content Display
HTML Snippet Display AlfrescoCache Liferay Page Alfresco Content Display Portlet Alfresco Content Display Portlet Other Portlets
NEW! CS Web Publishing Area l Support area for people doing web publishing on the www2 systems l Will continue to be developed/enlarged/improved l l Bookmark it!
HTML Tools l The HTML used on the site can be generated using a wide variety of tools, including Dreamweaver, MyEclipse, etc. l One simple tool that we recommend and support is the editor from Frederico Caldeira Knabben (FCKeditor) l We specifically do NOT recommend using the HTML capabilities of Microsoft Word. l The FCKeditor is linked in the Shortcuts menu of the CS Web Publishing area
FCKeditor Details l Cost: free l Features l Creates HTML snippets without the extra tags l Creates good quality snippets l Has a tool for cleaning up text pasted from Microsoft Word l Automatically escapes characters which have been problematic for us, such as the & and the left and right quotes l Quick demo of FCKeditor, including use of “source” button, Word file pasting, and full screen button
Getting Content into Alfresco l FTP l External address: l Internal address: l Use your web account to log in l Alfresco native interface l l Not recommended without additional Alfresco- specific training l Future: CIFS, WebDAV
Setting up FTP in Windows l Click on Start. l Go to My Network Places. l On the left hand side, under Network Tasks, click on "Add a network place". l A wizard will pop up. Click on "Next". l Select "Choose another network location". Click "Next". l Enter the following inside the text field "Internet or network address:" l ftp:// l (External users need to enter ftp:// ) l Click "Next". l Uncheck the checkbox next to "Log on anonymously". l Type your Web account user name inside of the text field box. l Click "Next". l Enter the following in the text field to type a name for this network place: l Production Alfresco l Click "Next". l Click "Finish".
Determining Alfresco Cache URLs l The easiest way is to browse the cache directly l Browse to your content l Copy the URL from the browser address bar l Note: Copy only the part starting with /cms/ l The Alfresco Cache can be found in the Shortcuts menu of the CS Web Publishing area
Workflow – Adding a Page l Upload your images into Alfresco l Wait 10 minutes (this is going away in the future) l Browse the Alfresco cache and get the URLs of your images (starting with /cms/) l Use the URLs in your HTML snippet l Upload your HTML snippet into Alfresco l Wait 10 minutes l Add Alfresco Content Display Portlet and configure it to display the snippet from cache
Demonstration l Create a new page l Make the page l Choose theme l Add header art reference, if needed l Add page title l Add shortcut URL l Add metatags l Create an HTML snippet with an image l Display the snippet on the page